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Design And Implementation Of Electronic Invoice System Based On Micro Service Architecture

Posted on:2019-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L MiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330590494336Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous advancement and deepening of the State's Golden Tax Phase III project,tax-related businesses have become more and more informatized,paperless,and service-oriented.Under the guiding principle of “ticket control tax,” related work such as tax collection and management has been carried out more rationally and efficiently by simplifying processes,sharing information,unifying platforms,and using Internet technologies,among which electronic invoices and it's applications have been developed by leaps and bounds.With the combination of electronic invoices and various mobile Internet applications,the application scenarios and scope of electronic invoices have become more diversified.Driven by the diversified application scenarios of electronic invoices and the relevant policies of the State Tax Bureau,there is an increasing demand for self-built electronic invoice platforms.Taking into account the lower operating costs,higher efficiency of invoice creation procedures,environmental protection,and convenience benefits brought by electronic invoicing applications,the demand for self-built electronic invoice platforms for large enterprises is particularly urgent,especially large-scale Internet e-commerce platforms,telecom operators,etc.This article designs and implements a high-performance electronic invoice system according to the variety of billing businesses of large companies,the large amount of invoices issued,large throughput,long invoice data storage cycle,and one or more billing system UI features.To meet the needs of the company's self-built electronic invoice platform.For this reason,this article uses micro-service technology,container technology,distributed storage and other technologies to build a high-performance electronic invoice system that supports massive invoice data storage.This article first introduced the topic background of the high-performance electronic invoice system based on the microservice architecture and the current situation at home and abroad.Subsequently,the system analysis and key technical descriptions,according to the company's billing characteristics of the electronic invoice process,a reasonable split,choreographed the formation of invoice taxcode adaptor service,electronic signature service,asynchronous electronic invoice accepting service and synchronization electronic invoice service,etc.microservices,through the mutual calls between multiple microservices to form a service call chain,to complete the actual invoice business.It also introduces the requirements for massive data storage based on data splitting of different dimensions to form a distributed storage to meet the needs of massive data storage.After a reasonable split of data,a unitized system architecture is formed to deal with the future horizontal expansion of the system.Then introduce the design and implementation of the system.Finally,the test part of the system is introduced,and the test strategy,method and test results are described.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic invoice, high concurrency, bloom filter, microservices
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