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Anti-counterfeiting Traceability System Based On Ownership In Blockchain

Posted on:2020-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H HeFull Text:PDF
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The problem of counterfeit goods has been plaguing enterprises,which damages their brand image and brings a great loss to the entire society.With the rise of e-commerce platform,there are ever-increasing demands on anti-counterfeiting traceability in market.However,the existing traceability anti-counterfeiting schemes are mainly facilitated by centralized systems and hardly achieve the expected effect,because of information barriers among the centralized systems and possibility of data tampering.Fortunately,the emergence of block-chain technology provides a new approach to solve the problem.Therefore,this paper employs the blockchain technology to propose a traceability anti-counterfeiting scheme based on commodity ownership,and implements a decentralized system based on this scheme.In the anti-counterfeiting traceability scheme,smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain are used to record the current attribution of commodity's ownership and to realize the ownership transfer of the commodity in the whole supply chain process.The transaction sequences recorded on the blockchain are used to trace the source of commodities and to distinguish the authenticity.The decentralized system is implemented by using the Truffle framework and the Web3.js library for executing the smart contracts and providing visual operation.The Inter Planetary File System(IPFS)is also used by the system for large file storage.The contribution of this paper is to propose an incentive mechanism for the decentralized anti-counterfeiting traceability system,to design an anti-counterfeiting traceability scheme that is in line with the features of Ethereum,and to implement a set of smart contracts with high security and reliability.The proposed scheme solves the problems existed in the traditional anti-counterfeiting traceability systems,such as information asymmetry,difficulties in maintaining transaction information,and data easy to be tampered.Moreover,the scheme also has the characteristics of openness,justice,transparency and security in the whole process of anti-counterfeiting traceability.
Keywords/Search Tags:traceability and anti-counterfeiting, ownership, blockchain, ethereum, smart contract, truffle, dapp, ipfs
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