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The Constructions Of One-Dimensional Fe2O3-based Nanomaterials And The Gas Sensors' Performance Research

Posted on:2019-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330548961039Subject:Applied Physics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,with the continuous development of industrial society,the people's standards for living have been greatly improved.At the same time,however,the problem of environmental pollution,especially air pollution,has become more and more serious and has affected people's daily lives.Monitoring and alarming of indoor and outdoor toxic and hazardous,inflammable and explosive gases accurate and timely,is a hot topic nowadays.Therefore,it requires a wide variety of gas sensors.As we know,the core of a gas sensor is the gas-sensing materials.Their type,composition,and structure all play a crucial role in the performance of the gas sensor.So far,metal oxide semiconductor?MOS?materials,such as Fe2O3,ZnO,and In2O3,are common gas-sensitive materials.Among them,Fe2O3 has received extensive attention due to its chemicalstability,economical,environmentalfriendlyandnon-toxicity.However,the poor gas sensitivity of pure Fe2O3 limits its further development.Inrecentyears,withthedevelopmentof nanotechnology,researchershavediscoveredthatcombining semiconductor materials with nanotechnology can significantly improve the gas-sensing properties of materials.At the same time,the low dimension of the material,the increase of the specific surface area,and the doping of other elements are all good ways to improve the gas-sensing properties of the material.In this paper,electrospinning method was used to prepare one-dimensional ironoxide-basedsemiconductor nanomaterials.By controlling the conditions of the experiment and the composition of the precursor solution,one-dimensional iron oxide-based semiconductor nanomaterials with different structures,shapes and doping ratios were prepared and fabricated into gas sensors to further study their gas-sensing properties.The details are as follows:1.Hollow and porous one-dimensional Fe2O3 nanotubes with diameters of about 100 nm were prepared by electrospinning method and gas sensors were fabricated to study their gas-sensing properties.The results show that pore formation on the surface of the material can significant improve its gas sensitivity.At the optimum operating temperature of240?,the porous Fe2O3 nanotube based gas sensor has a sensitivity of11 for 100 ppm acetone,which is about 3 times that of hollow Fe2O3nanotubes.Both of the materials have a fast response to acetone,the response time is about 9 s,porous Fe2O3 nanotubes have very short recovery time,which is about 3 s.At the same time,porous Fe2O3nanotubes also have good selectivity to acetone.2.Different doping proportions of Ho2O3-Fe2O3 composite nanomaterials were prepared by electrospinning method,then gas sensors were fabricated to study their gas-sensing properties.The results show that Ho doping can greatly improve the gas-sensing properties of Fe2O3 materials.3 wt%is the optimal doping ratio.The sensitivity of 3 wt%Ho2O3-Fe2O3nanomaterials to 100 ppm acetone at 240?is about 16.8 times than that of pure porous Fe2O3 nanotubes,is about 52.8 times of pure hollow Fe2O3nanotubes.The minimum detection concentration of acetone of 3 wt%Ho2O3-Fe2O3 nanomaterials was 0.5 ppm and the response was 2.4.At the same time,it also has good linearity and selectivity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gas-sensing materials, Electrospinning, Fe2O3, Nanomaterials, Doping
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