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The Impact Of High School Students' Belief In A Just World On Academic Achievement:the Mediating Role Of Self-regulated Learning

Posted on:2020-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a group of adolescents receiving school education,senior high school students are about to enter society and will face more social injustice.As a personal resource,can the belief in a just world help to reduce the negative impact of unfair events on senior high school students,maintain their mental health,help them adjust and improve their motivation and behavior of autonomous learning,and maintain their pursuit of long-term goals,so as to achieve better academic achievements? This study measures high school students' beliefs in a just world,examines their academic performance and autonomous learning,and clarifies whether beliefs in a just world and academic performance of high school students have a significant impact on academic performance and autonomous learning.Using the belief in a just world scale to measure the basic situation of the belief in a just world of senior high school students,using the autonomous learning scale to measure the basic situation of the autonomous learning of senior high school students,combined with the Chinese,math,English and total scores of the investigated students in the city survey test as the performance indicators.the results shows that:1.The gender difference of students' belief in a just world is significant.The factors of ultimate justice and internal justice were significantly higher in girls than boys.The intrinsic injustice factor was significantly higher in boys than girls.Students of different genders have significant differences in the dimension of love of learning,and the score of girls is significantly higher than that of boys.Students of different genders have significant differences in Chinese and English scores,among which girls' scores are significantly higher than boys'.Students from different regions have significant differences in English scores,and the English scores of urban students are significantly higher than those of rural students.2.There was a significant positive correlation between ultimate justice and internal justice and the total score,and a significant negative correlation between internal injustice and the score.In independent learning,negative learning was significantly negatively correlated with the total score,while other dimensions were significantly positively correlated with the total score.Effective learning significantly positively predicted the learning score,while negative learning significantly negatively predicted the learning score.The mediating analysis shows that the intrinsic justice has a significant positive predictive effect on the achievement,and the independent learning plays a complete mediating effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school student, Belief in a just world, Autonomous Learning, Academic achievement
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