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Applied Research On "Brainstorming Method" In Junior Middle School Writing Class

Posted on:2020-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330623952197Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"It is difficult to teach,and it is difficult to write!" It has always been a problem that plagues Chinese teachers and students in junior high schools.In fact,writing is an important part of junior high school language and a weak link that needs to be overcome.The reasons for the current stagnant essay teaching in junior high school are nothing but two aspects: the teacher is not good at teaching and the students can not write.For teachers,the common problems are: heavy teaching tasks,less writing time,weak student foundation,limited time and energy,etc.For students,the usual problems are: insufficient writing interest,rigid writing thinking,writing Outdated views,single writing style,and more.In view of the above problems in junior high school w riting,this paper attempts to use the brainstorming method as a starting point to develop a new exploration of the junior high school writing class,and to verify the brainstorming method for junior high school writing teaching through the practice of pra ctical classroom teaching and the results of investigation and research.Value and function.From a macro perspective,brainstorming as a method of creative thinking training can effectively stimulate the imagination and creativity of participants.From a microscopic point of view,brainstorming is also a practical method suitable for class group discussions.Thinking expansion method.Specifically,it has standardized implementation principles and implementation steps to create a relaxed and free discussio n atmosphere,and at the same time it highlights the student's dominant position in the writing class,which in turn maximizes student writing.Initiative and enthusiasm.Facts have proved that with the full intervention of the brainstorming method in the writing classroom,it is easier to create a collision of different ideas among students,expand the space and path for students to freely express their own views,and finally realize the writing level and writing of junior high school students.A comprehen sive improvement in capabilities.The research content of this thesis is divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction,which expounds the background and significance of the topic,the research status,research ideas,the basic methods of research and the concept of brainstorming.The second part is common in the study of junior high school.The problem starts and explores the causes of the problem,mainly from the two aspects of teachers and students,which leads to the feasibility analysi s of the brainstorming method in the middle school writing class;the third part is based on the principles,steps and requirements of the brainstorming method.It provides theoretical guidance for the use of brainstorming in the middle school writing clas s.The fourth part is the case analysis of the brainstorming method in the specific junior high school writing class.It relies on the actual junior high school writing class and uses the brainstorming method as the junior middle school writing class.The method guides to verify that the brainstorming method is applicable to the junior high school writing class,and through the teaching feedback after class,the brainstorming method is not only suitable for the junior high school writing class,but also has a positive teaching effect.It can be seen that the brainstorming method is a new exploration to solve the problem of “teaching difficult to teach and difficult to write” in junior high school,and it provides effective help for improving the teaching lev el of junior high school teachers and the writing level of students.I hope that through this topic research,I will really explore an effective and operable way to provide a new teaching method and teaching ideas for junior high school writing teaching,a nd provide effective solutions to the teaching problems of junior middle school Chinese teachers and students' writing problems.Help to improve the writing skills and abilities of junior high school students.
Keywords/Search Tags:brainstorming, junior high school students, writing teaching, group discussion
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