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A Case Study On The Intervention Of Picture Book Reading On Children's Entry Anxiety

Posted on:2021-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H JiaFull Text:PDF
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Children from the family into the kindergarten,is the first step to the society,is also a big step in the process of their growth.When children enter the kindergarten,they are no longer accompanied by familiar family members and familiar environment.What they need to face is new living environment and new interpersonal relationship.Kindergarten anxiety is the maladjustment of children's psychological experience and external behaviors caused by the change of environment when they are separated from their attachment objects after they first enter kindergarten from the family.When children enter the collective society,the original cheerful good mood will be destroyed because of a variety of maladjustment,kindergarten anxiety has become a common phenomenon.How to adapt to the daily life of kindergarten is a challenge for every new child.How to help children adapt to the kindergarten life is a difficult problem for kindergarten teachers and parents to face together.It is of great significance for children to adapt to the kindergarten life smoothly.By drawing from the domestic and foreign research achievements of anxiety about young children into the park,at the same time,combining with working practice,the researchers from shijiazhuang city a new kindergarten,kindergarten in a small class of young children chose three representative anxiety children in the park as the research object,according to the three characteristics of anxiety in children and in parent-child relationships and peer interaction,t young relationship of specific performance,the researchers choose suitable picture books for its intervention.The three children showed different behaviors due to anxiety(case 1: youzi,which showed anxiety of crying when entering the kindergarten.Case two: yiyi has been silent and silent since she came to the kindergarten.Case 3: liu hang,when she entered the kindergarten,her anxiety was excessive dependence on her parents or class teachers.)However,at the same time,we are faced with the situation that we leave home for the first time and come to the big family of the kindergarten.Therefore,there are the same and different picture books selected for the three children.In the process of plan formulation,starting from the children themselves,analyses the reason of cases children appear in anxiety,and two other teachers in the class to discuss the feasibility of use of 15 minutes after the nap time agreed to one-to-one or one-to-many case for young children's picture books reading and conversation,for a month,once a week,every time a picture books,and based on the actual performance of case for young children to parents put forward concrete with request.The comparison between the data obtained from the evaluation questionnaire and the actual observation of children's separation anxiety after reading the picture book shows that the targeted picture book reading intervention program is effective,and the kindergarten anxiety behavior of children in the case has been relieved to different degrees compared with before.Case one child can control their emotions,reduce the number of crying,children began to like the kindergarten;Case 2 children can establish a good teacher-student relationship with teachers and peers and express their own ideas in activities.Case 3: children were able to divert their attention from their attachment objects and no longer rely too much on their parents and teachers.Picture books for young children is in accordance with their age characteristics and cognitive level,one of the stories are related to children's life,through a simple picture language to help children understand relatively complex,at the same time,the child is primarily to learn by imitation,and draw the hero is young children learn to imitate the object.Through the problems faced by the protagonist in the story,he can realize that he also has the same problem,and then learn the solutions in the story to help him solve the problem and get out of the dilemma.Picture book reading is an effective way to intervene children's kindergarten anxiety,which can be alleviated by scientific use and help children adapt to the surrounding social environment.Studies have shown that reading picture books can help children overcome the anxiety of entering a kindergarten in an unfamiliar environment,so as to promote their physical and mental health.The case study suggested that picture book reading should intervene children's kindergarten anxiety: give full play to the leading role of preschool teachers;help children understand kindergarten life through picture books,and ease the strangeness when they enter the kindergarten;The methods in picture books can be used to adjust the negative emotions when entering the kindergarten,so as to find the channel to relieve the emotions.In the companion reading of picture books,I can get close to the kindergarten teachers and build up a sense of intimacy and dependence.Home co-education to establish a harmonious parent-child relationship: according to children's different personalities,choose different picture books for parent-child co-reading;Through parent-child co-reading to help children prepare for kindergarten,they should also prepare themselves.Through reading picture books,children can have a good longing for kindergarten and kindergarten life.A scientific and rational picture book is used to intervene children with kindergarten anxiety to help them better adapt to the kindergarten environment,which provides a scientific and reasonable model for front-line teachers to effectively intervene children with different types of kindergarten anxiety.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children's Entry Anxiety, A case study, Picture Book Reading
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