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Study On The Application Of Problem-leading Method In Ideological And Political Teaching

Posted on:2021-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y TianFull Text:PDF
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Since the 21 st century,with the wave spreading across the world multi-polarization and economic globalization,the whole world becomes a sometimes-complex mix-and-match multipolar world I have you,in such a situation,are faced with both challenges and opportunity in our country,the competition of national power is not the unilateral economic strength to talented person's competition,of interest,lies in the government;The prosperity of politics depends on people.Therefore,to do a good job in education and cultivate innovative talents has become the key goal of China's education.For this reason,the new curriculum reform of ideological and political courses calls on teachers to link the teaching content with the actual life of students.At the same time,the high school ideological and political curriculum standard proposes to cultivate the core quality of students.In addition to learning book knowledge,it is more important to improve students' awareness of finding problems and their ability to solve them.In order to better integrate the requirement of new curriculum reform of teacher's teaching,and considering the thought political lesson of the discipline characteristic,this paper puts forward the problem leads the type teaching method,namely,creating problem situation,students explore independently,teachers guide misgivings,inductive sublimation four link problem,put forward the problems in the teaching,the most important is the thinking process of students,thus promoting teachers use introductory question to organize classroom teaching.The problem stems from the hypothesis before the question is put forward.The hypothesis makes the pace of classroom teaching targeted,and only through successive steps can the effectiveness of teaching be improved,the ability of teachers to control the classroom be improved,and the classroom atmosphere be harmonious.In this way,students' awareness of cooperative inquiry is cultivated,and a good learning atmosphere is formed.In the process of preliminary inquiry into the problem-led teaching method,it was observed that students increased the number of their active learning behaviors in the process of learning knowledge,and students began to read textbooks actively to seek answers insteadof under the supervision of teachers.Secondly,I gradually learned to care for my classmates,enhanced the friendship between them,stimulated the students' thirst for knowledge,and helped them to build their knowledge framework and develop their abilities.In the process of teaching,students want to quickly find the answer to the question,and actively seek knowledge,so everyone takes the initiative to participate in the teaching.They take the initiative to read textbooks,after class consciously look up materials on the Internet,looking for relevant books to reference,etc.,since then also developed a good reading habits and learning methods,rather than a problem on the teacher for help.Open the students' thinking,overturn the traditional teaching mode,stimulate the students' desire to explore new things.In question leads the type teaching method in use process,pays attention to the students' active participation,initiative exploration,active learning,so whether it's access to knowledge,or solving problems,require students devoted to learning,through a study try again and again,over and over again and constantly cycles to achieve learning goals,so that the students can better play to the subjective initiative,providing students with an independent and free development space.This enables students to learn from learning to learning,in the exploration of knowledge on the road ahead.In the teaching,teachers and students all-round exchanges and cooperation,teaching and learning,in a harmonious,democratic,free,active classroom state of equal dialogue,positive exchanges,warm discussion,so that students in the knowledge of the learning in the sense of gain.Next,I will demonstrate this paper from three parts:The first part explains the relevant contents of the problem-led teaching method.First of all,it explains the concept of problem leading and problem leading teaching method.First,it analyzes the meaning of problem leading from the meaning,so as to clarify the origin and importance of problem consciousness.Secondly,the characteristics of problem-oriented teaching method include the effectiveness of problem design,the interaction between teachers and students,the exploration between student-oriented subjects,and the realization of the set learning objectives.The second part makes a concrete analysis of the necessity and importance of the application of the problem-led teaching method in the classroom teaching.The necessity ismainly demonstrated from three aspects,which are: meeting the needs of middle school students' cognitive development law,strengthening the needs of teacher-student interaction in the teaching process,and stimulating the diversified teaching mode after the new curriculum reform.The importance is mainly demonstrated from three aspects,which are conducive to the implementation of core qualities,the improvement of teaching effectiveness,the innovation of teaching mode,the stimulation of students' subjective initiative,the cultivation of students' creative thinking,the ability and consciousness of thinking,exploring and solving problems,and the creation of a harmonious and equal dynamic teacher-student relationship.The third part discusses the strategies of the problem-led teaching method in the ideological and political discipline.Mainly from three aspects,the first aspect is problem leads the type teaching method combination with examples in the education in classroom teaching of basic principles: principle of problem situation,actively explore,learn to teach with the second aspect is the problem that leads the type teaching method in different teaching design,respectively,including new lesson to import links: link establishment situation question design,teaching process,the problems in the design,brief summary link:sublimation of design problems.Problems is the third leading type teaching method in the education teaching measures,the application of based on student life,create life situation,the subject design to overall consideration,overall understanding,teachers,students initiative,q&a body double interaction,provide students with sufficient time and space to think four directions.Therefore,in order to further mobilize students to actively participate in classroom teaching,teachers should actively guide students with well-designed questions,cultivate students' problem awareness,improve students' ability to find problems,deal with problems and solve problems,and let students always maintain a skeptical attitude,not blindly from multiple perspectives to think about problems.Therefore,problem-led teaching method is a teaching process that guides students by means of problems,so as to improve their comprehensive quality and core quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:problem leading type, teacher teaching, thought politics lesson
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