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An Empirical Study On The Learning Approach Of Higher Vocational Students In Fujian Province

Posted on:2020-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330620456832Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the in-depth reform of China's education system,higher vocational education faces the corresponding challenges while welcoming development opportunities.Vigorously developing higher vocational education and cultivating applied-type skilled talents must be based on the background of the development needs of higher vocational education at home and abroad,based on the needs of students' development and the needs of the social labor market.As an important part of higher education,higher vocational education is the current top priority in improving the quality of higher vocational education.The learning method is the sum of the learning motivation and learning strategy reflected by the students in the learning process,which directly affects the learning results.Therefore,from the perspective of students,this study studies the learning styles of higher vocational students in Fujian Province through questionnaires.The current situation of the learning style of vocational students,the problems found,and the corresponding strategies to optimize the learning style of vocational students.This study has five main parts:The first part is an introduction.The paper puts forward the problem and the significance of the research,and introduces the methods used in the research.The key point is to sort out the important literature review related to this research,and finally draw the content of this paper.The second part is the theoretical basis of this study.This research is mainly supported by three theories-multiple intelligence theory,meaningful learning theory and learning attribution theory.And the connotation development of these theories and related research have been sorted out.The third part is the investigation of the status quo and the analysis of the results of the study methods of higher vocational students in Fujian Province.Through questionnaire survey,the collected data was processed and analyzed by using spss19.0,and the learning status of higher vocational students was learned from the two dimensions of learning motivation and learning strategy.It is mainly based on two levels of analysis: one is the analysis of the overall learning situation of higher vocational students;the other is the analysis of the group differences of students' learning styles from different levels such as gender,subject,grade and source of origin.The fourth part is mainly based on the third part,in-depth analysis of the problems existing in the learning style of higher vocational students in Fujian Province,the analysis of the factors affecting the students' learning style,and the corresponding problems in the learning style of higher vocational students.Attribution.The fifth part is based on the whole research,and puts forward the strategy of optimizing the learning style of vocational students from multiple angles in view of the problems existing in the learning style of higher vocational students in Fujian Province and the influencing factors of the learning style of higher vocational students...
Keywords/Search Tags:Higher Vocational Students, Learning Approach, Deep learning
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