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Comparative Analysis Of Illustrations Of Mathematics Textbooks In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2021-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z WangFull Text:PDF
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Illustrations of a textbook as part of a textbook have the characteristics of intuition and image.It can make up for the shortness of the expression of words,and can arouse students' interest in learning,so it plays an irreplaceable role in teaching.Recently,people have paid more and more attention to illustration of textbooks,but there is a lack of comparative studies on illustration settings.The comparative study on illustrations of junior high school mathematics textbooks is based on the People's Education Edition(PEP)and the Jiangsu edition textbook(JEP),adopting literature research,text analysis and comparative research.Based on the classification of textbook illustrations according to the location,content and function,the data are obtained by statsics.By interpreting the data and analyzing specific cases,the distribution of the illustrations in the two sets of textbooks and their common points and shortcomings are summarized,then further conclusions are drawn and suggestions are made.The findings are as follows:(1)Overall number and density of illustrationsWhether it's quantity or density,the illustrations of PEP are much less than that of JEP.The common characteristic of PEP and JEP is that both design a large number of illustrations in the sections of geometry modules and rational numbers.The difference is that JEP pays more attention to the use of illustrations in the module knowledge of equations and inequalities,while PEP in the power operation designs more illustrations.(2)Distribution of the illustrations' locationThe number of chapter initials in JEP is greater than that in PEP,and the content is more intuitive and fit the theme.The number of columns illustrations in JEP is larger than that in PEP,while the number of the content illustration in PEP is larger than that in JEP.(3)Distribution of the illustrations' contentBoth editions are attach to the use of mathematics illustration and life illustration.By comparison,JEP prefers the use of mathematical illustrations,while PEP prefers the use of the other one.In addition,PEP pays more attention to the summary class illustration,the mathematics history class illustration than PEP.(4)Distribution of the illustrations' functionThe proportion and number of the explanatory illustration in both versions of textbooks were the highest,followed by decorative illustrations and the representational illustrations.Specifically,only in the number and proportion of decorative illustrations is JEP more than PEP.(5)Advantages and Disadvantages of Two Edition TextbooksAdvantages of two versions of textbooks: in terms of structure,PEP focuses on the cultivation of students' problem-solving skills,JEP focuses on the training of students' mathematical thinking;in the selection of illusrations,both textbooks focus on the the use of life situation illustrutions and explanalory illustrations;from the combination of illustrations and text,the design of the two textbooks embodys the principle of space proximity and consistency.The shortcomings of the two versions of textbooks: too few decorative illustrations and chapter initials set in PEP;too many decorative illustrations in JEP,too few illustrations in life and mathematics history class illustration.Based on the comparison of the two editions of the textbook,the following suggestions are made for textbook designer and users of the textbook illustrations.Recommendations for textbooks authors are: add life pictures as appropriate;add organization-based,interpretive-based illustrations and reduce decorative illustrations;note the number and content of the chapter illustrations;set the appropriate number of mathematical history illustrations;in line with the psychological development of junior high school students;attach importance to the opinions of front-line teachers and subject experts.Recommendations to users are: pay attention to the use of illustrations;do deep analysis of illustrations and understanding of illustrations;guide the students to learn how to read the pictures;combine own teaching practice to supple the suitable illustration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elementary school mathematics textbooks, Illustrations, PEP, JEP, Comparative studies
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