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Research On Rural Primary School Teachers' Survival Situation In The Multicultural Background

Posted on:2021-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330611964475Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The survival situation of rural teachers affects the implementation of national education;it affects the quality of basic education in a region;it affects the development of education in a region.The economic development in the southwest region is slow,and the infrastructure is backward.The survival situation of rural teachers deserves attention.At the same time,the southwest region is a multi-ethnic region.The cultures of various ethnic groups collide with each other.Cultural diversity is also a basic social feature of the southwest minority region.Therefore,discussing and studying the living conditions of rural teachers under the multicultural background is of profound significance to promote the construction of teachers,improve the quality of education,and the development of education in ethnic regions.This article uses multiculturalism as the research background,uses qualitative research methods,takes primary school teachers in Guancunba,a region under the jurisdiction of the Jinkou River in Sichuan,as the main survey sample,and uses questionnaires and interviews as the survey method.The basic characteristics of rural primary school teachers are personal.,Work pressure,work environment,workload,salary income,professional development,and daily life.At the same time,three teachers were interviewed.Case interviews were combined with the results of the questionnaire to analyze the rural elementary school teachers.The influencing factors of living conditions,and put forward solutions based on the actual situation.This article is divided into six parts.The first part is the introduction,which explains the value of the research,the reason for choosing the topic,the literature review,the theoretical basis,etc.The second part describes the ideal survival of rural elementary school teachers under the multicultural background;Partly presents the living conditions of three rural elementary school teachers in a case-by-case manner,supplemented by data from questionnaires to lay out detailed living conditions of rural elementary school teachers,and summarizes the rural elementary school teachers from a material,spiritual,and cultural perspective.The fourth part summarizes the reasons from three perspectives: society,school and culture.Social reasons include: uneven distribution of teachers,irrational organizational structure;slow career advancement,and slim opportunities for vocational training.The school level includes lack of extracurricular life and lack of human emotions;rural elementary school teachers lack professional identity.The cultural level includes the lack of understanding of multiculturalism by rural elementary school teachers;the poor adaptability of rural elementary school teachers to cross-cultural survival;and the lack of multicultural communication between teachers and communities and families.The fifth part proposes a solution by analyzing the reasons,based on reality,using scientific methods,and value-oriented.First of all,at the social level,strengthen financial support and policy guidance for rural education,including increasing the basic salary income of rural primary school teachers,improving the performance pay system,improving the introduction system of rural primary school teachers,such as improving the special post teacher system and improving the establishment system structure.At the school level,promote the improvement of the school's material environment,including improving the learning and working environment of rural elementary school teachers,and strengthening the construction of rural school material conditions.At the cultural level,we will strengthen the construction of multiculturalism in rural areas,including advancing the cultivation of multiculturalism in rural areas,schools in charge of multicultural knowledge training for teachers in ethnic areas,and guiding the innovation of multicultural teacher training models.At the personal level,including continuous improvement of self-quality and learning of psychological adjustment,such as strengthening physical exercise and improving self-monitoring capabilities,and seeking psychological support.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multiculturalism, rural teachers, survival situation
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