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A Study On The Teaching Practice Of Segmental Drawing In Primary School Curriculum

Posted on:2021-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhouFull Text:PDF
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In response to the cultural confidence proposed by general secretary xi,it is necessary to set up Chinese painting in primary school to inherit the essence of Chinese culture and develop traditional art.No bone painting is between the fine brushwork and freehand brushwork,it is not like freehand brushwork has a very strong foundation requirements for brushwork,not like the fine brushwork has a very high requirements for time,suitable for the class time is little and relatively scattered curriculum in the primary school classroom.Freehand brushwork has a great role in promoting students' perception of brushwork.Meticulous brushwork has an accurate requirement on object modeling,which plays a positive role in cultivating and improving students' observation ability and modeling ability.The accidental effect of techniques such as "collision with water" and "collision with powder" promotes the creativity of primary school students,and the similarities between boneless painting and western painting are of great help to the discussion on the combination of Chinese and western painting,inheritance and innovation.The author has started to promote boneless painting in the primary school curriculum in the early stage of the subject research of "boneless painting in the curriculum construction of primary and secondary schools" led by chengdu city and high-tech zone.Through the practice teaching in the early stage,the author understands that the teaching of Chinese painting is difficult to be carried out in the primary school curriculum because of the lack of consistency in the content of teaching materials and teaching time,the complicated tools for the traditional Chinese painting curriculum,and the high requirements of teachers on basic skills.In view of the learning situation of the district,the city and the district have organized teacher training on boneless painting and various activities to improve the level of teachers,and called on every school to set up special traditional Chinese painting teachers.Based on the premise of student development,this paper focuses on the establishment of boneless painting in primaryschool curriculum.Based on the situation of our school and the characteristics of segmented teaching,the author sets different teaching objectives,teaching contents,teaching strategies and methods,teaching evaluation,etc.The thematic unit curriculum is used to enable students to learn in a familiar situation.In the unit curriculum model,students learn from nature,history,cultural creation,traditional Chinese painting and other aspects,to contribute to the development of boneless painting in primary school curriculum.This thesis is divided into four parts.In the first part,the concept definition,the development history,the concept definition of segmental teaching,the performance of segmental teaching and so on are briefly expounded,and the research of segmental teaching in primary school is proposed.In the second part,according to the author's classroom practice,the author puts forward the teaching strategies of boneless painting in the middle of primary school curriculum,stimulating interest,teacher demonstration,and independent exploration,as well as the teaching strategies of high level comprehensive materials and interdisciplinary teaching.At the same time,this paper analyzes the cases in the teaching process of segmental boneless painting course,and highlights the advantages of the thematic course designed by the author.In the third part,the author discusses the special evaluation criteria for segmental boneless painting learning through the evaluation methods of fine arts education in different countries such as the United States and Canada,combining theory and practice,and analyzes individual students' works.In the fourth part,through the author's teaching practice,the author reflects on the development of segmental curriculum of boneless painting in primary school,and puts forward such concepts as the early age of enlightenment and the integration of boneless painting with western painting.The conclusion part points out the shortcomings and limitations of this paper,and puts forward a new prospect for the research on segmental teaching of boneless painting in primary school curriculum.
Keywords/Search Tags:No bone painting, Primary school, Block teaching, Practice research
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