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Study On The Problem And Advise Of The Aesthetic Implementation Of Colleges And Universities

Posted on:2020-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N ZhouFull Text:PDF
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Since the 21 st century,with the explosive development of science and informationtechnology,people's material life has reached an unprecedented prosperity.At the same time,people's spiritual life has become increasingly deficient.Along with the progress of the society,the development of individuals has become more and more one-sided and nihilistic,which has lost the display of the humanistic value of being human and thus evolved into highly "alienated" people.Driven by the pompous wind of market economy,people's spiritual life is exposed to the situation of pan-entertainment.Pan-entertainment makes people indulge in short-term and short-term sensory enjoyment and gradually lose the desire and pursuit for life value and perfect personality.In particular,college students are the group with the strongest desire to consume and the group with unformed values.Such a group is the most vulnerable to emotional provocation from the outside world.When the sensory stimulation and emotional provocation from all directions are constantly dispelling the aesthetic feelings of the individual,when the individual indulged in pleasure and excessive carnival,only the emptiness and boredom that cannot be relieved are left.The end result is,in the colorful world of material desire,while enjoying,while at a loss;While happy,while lonely.In the face of this social problem widely existing among the youth,we have to base ourselves on the dimension of life value and try to find the meaning of life so that the alienated individual can obtain the freedom of mind and the perfection of ideal personality.The way to realize this dream is aesthetic education.Aesthetic education is an educational form that develops the individual aesthetic ability through the experience of aesthetic activities,and finally improves the aesthetic personality and realizes the aesthetic ideal.Only by appealing to aesthetic education can we promote the harmonious development of man and himself,man and others,man and society,and realize the grand goal of building highly developed socialist spiritual civilization.Based on the value of aesthetic education,the aesthetic need of body,and the problems in the implementation of aesthetic education of shenzhen university as the research starting point,through literature study,investigation and comparative study on the combination of research methods,collecting the first-hand information,and reading a large amount of relevant literature,is put forward to "beauty" of adult college aesthetic education practice path,to return to human nature,personality,the beauty of human value and human subject has the profound theoretical significance and practical significance.There are four chapters in this thesis.Article embarks from the college students' practical problems,first,analyzed the current extensive entertainment that exist in a youth group,materialistic,lack of aesthetic consciousness of the social problems such as the pursuit of sensory stimulation,put forward to search for the meaning of life,get "alienation" of the individual spiritual freedom and ideal personality perfection,must put special emphasis on aesthetic education.Next,it discusses the connotation of aesthetic education,the relationship between aesthetic education and various kinds of aesthetic education,and the theoretical basis of aesthetic education.Chapter two analyzes the problems of aesthetic education in colleges anuniversities through the case study of sample schools.Based on the case study of shenzhen university,this paper explores the current situation and existing problems of aesthetic education in colleges and universities.The third chapter,by analyzing the aesthetic education practice of Harvard University,the author summarizes the characteristics of the aesthetic education course of Harvard University,and tries to seek the experience that can be used for reference from the aesthetic education of Harvard University.The fourth chapter is to optimize the implementation of aesthetic education in colleges and universities.By analyzing the practical experience of aesthetic education in Harvard University,this paper discusses the countermeasures and Suggestions for optimizing the implementation of aesthetic education in colleges and universities,and puts forward some strategies,such as deepening the concept of aesthetic education,optimizing aesthetic education courses,broadening aesthetic education approaches,and strengthening aesthetic education teachers,so as to finally provide some breakthroughs for the implementation of aesthetic education in colleges and universities in China at the present stage.
Keywords/Search Tags:colleges and universities, aesthetic implementation, aesthetic education
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