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Research On The Relationship Between Career Maturity And Employment Pressure Of Graduates

Posted on:2017-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330485958837Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are more than 7.7million university graduates in 2016,employment issues have cropped up,a survey find that graduate students are under enormous employment pressure,if such "High Employment Pressure Master" phenomenon can not be reduced,it would not only endanger the health of graduate students but also lead to social instability.Studies have pointed out that improve career maturity can reduce the employment pressure.Thus how to improve graduate students' career maturity to effectively face employment pressure is the topic of this thesis.Researches about employment pressure and career maturity are mostly focused on undergraduate students.This thesis plans to survey graduate students' career maturity and employment pressure,explore the relationship between them,study the differences between the demographic variables,provide a theoretical basis for the employment guidance of graduate students.Through this research,on the one hand is going to help graduate students better understand themselves,in order to make the right career choice,on the other hand,I hope to provide reference for universities,social and other employment institutions,in order to make more reasonable ways to guiding graduate students find jobs.In this paper,I chose graduate students of Nanjing University for empirical research,by referring the relevant theoretical literature and analysis of the actual data and semi-structured interviews,I hope to explore the status of graduate students' employment pressure,as well as their differences in demographic variables;the status of graduate students' employment pressure,as well as their differences in demographic variables;explore the relationship between career maturity and employment pressure.For research purposes,This paper propose the following research questions:First,graduate students' career maturity is at what level?Second,find out whether there are significant differences in career maturity and its seven dimensions between sex,grade,professional,professional satisfaction,family economic situation,accept employment guidance or not.Third,graduate students' employment pressure is at what level?Fourth,find out whether there are significant differences in employment pressure and its five dimensions between sex,grade,professional,professional satisfaction,family economic situation,accept employment guidance or not.Fifth,whether there is a correlation between career maturity and employment pressure?Sixth,whether vocational maturity can predict the strength of the employment pressure?In this paper,Graduates Career Maturity Questionnaire was prepared by Jiafeng Sun.It has seven dimensions and a total of 33 items,including:Professional Career Character(5 items),Occupational Knowledge(6 items),Vocational Skills(4 items),Choosing Orientation(7 items),Independence(4 items),Reality(4 items),Initiative(3 items).Graduates Employmentf Pesrure Questionnaire was prepared by Yao Fu,including 28 items and five dimensions:Job Competitive pressure(5 items),Employment Situation Pressure(5 items),Job Attitude Pressure(6 items),Employment Resources Pressure(7 items),Job Fatigue Pressure(5 items).I used descriptive statistics analysis,T-test,ANOVA,relevant analysis;multivariate linear model regression analysis.The results show that the Nanjing University graduate students' career maturity is higher than the middle level,and has significant differences in gender,profession,professional satisfaction,family economic situation;Nanjing University graduate students' employment pressure is at the middle level,and has significant differences in grades,professional satisfaction significantly;career maturity and the employment pressure has significant negative correlation(r=-0.145,p<0.05);Regression Model shows that Nanjing University graduate students'Professional Ability and Professional Attitude have significant relationship with Employment Pressure,unchanged of other conditions,Professional Ability and Professional Attitude increase one unit,Employment Pressure will decrease 0.685 units.Through semi-structured interviews,t his paper found that graduates' have great pressure on Employment Situation;employability shortage is mainly reflected in the lack of professional skills,effective employment information resources,adequate professional knowledge;they mainly change job attitudes and seek help from others to face the employment pressure;improving the Professional Ability can effectively reduce Job Competitive Pressure,Job Attitude improvement can reduce the Employment Situation Pressure;they hope university can provide interview skills training,guidance on career planning,practice opportunities,and opportunities to communicate with seniors that have been employed.According to the results,this paper propose the following recommendations:Take different focus on different grades in order to improve graduate students' career maturity;masters themselves and the relevant departments should work together to decrease the three main employment pressure;Improving their Professional Ability,particularly Vocational Skills can effectively reduce the Employment Competition Pressure and Job Mentality Pressure;improving the Professional Attitude,especially Realistic and Initiative,can effectively reduce Employment Situation Pressure;Employment Guidance Center of Nanjing University need to improve the quality of career guidance and its coverage on graduate students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Graduate, Career Maturity, Employment Pressure
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