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Rectification And Advancement:Research On The Educational Activities Of Wang Shijie,Minister Of Education (1933-1937)

Posted on:2020-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330599461351Subject:History of education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Shijie is a typical "scholar in politics" in modern Chinese history.He received Confucian traditional education in his childhood,Western-style education in his youth,English and French study abroad,and bachelor's degree in political economics and doctor's degree in law.At the invitation of Mr.Cai Yuanpei,he returned to China as a law professor of Peking University and the first president of National Wuhan University.He was appointed the Minister of Education of Nanjing National Government on April 21,1933,and retired on January 1,1938.He served as Minister of Education of Nanjing National Government for four years and eight months.He was the longest Minister of education in the Republic of China.During his tenure,he undertook various kinds of education at all levels.The drastic rectification has promoted the development of all kinds of education at all levels.In this study,Wang Shijie,Minister of Education of Nanjing National Government,was placed in the background of the golden decade of Nanjing National Government,and strived to fully demonstrate the educational management activities of Wang Shijie during his tenure as Minister of Education.This paper takes the educational activities of Wang Shijie,Minister of Education of Nanjing National Government as the research object,describes the specific contents of Wang Shijie's educational activities during his tenure as Minister of Education of Nanjing National Government,analyses the historical background of Wang Shijie's educational activities,and combs the effect and influence of Wang Shijie's educational activities during his tenure.On this basis,summarizes the overall contribution of educational activities during the period,and make a reasonable overall evaluation of Wang Shijie's educational activities during his tenure of minister of education.Through research and analysis,the following conclusions are drawn:Firstly,through the collation,investigation and theoretical analysis of Wang Shijie,Minister of Education of Nanjing National Government,it is found that Wang Shijie was in his position to seek his own affairs and rectify and promote the development of education in the whole country during the period of Nanjing National Government.Wang Shijie,Minister of Education,through perfecting the laws and regulations of primary,secondary and higher education,formulated the laws and regulations of Vocational education,social education and frontier education,which made the laws and regulations of education initially systemized.By ensuring the allocation of all kinds of education at all levels,he solved the worries behind the advancement of all kinds of Education at all levels.In view of the anxiety of the war at that time,he put forward and implemented the plan of saving the nation through education to make education serve war.Secondly,through the research on the education management activities of the Minister of Education of the National Government of Nanjing,Wang Shijie,although Wang Shijie has achieved remarkable results in promoting the development of education through continuous efforts,it still has some limitations.In the process of developing education,Wang Shijie inevitably carried out party education and imprisoned the students' thoughts.Although Wang Shijie paid attention to women's rights in law,he did not give enough attention to women's education in the implementation of education development,making women's education The development still lags behind;in the later period,with the anxiety of the war,many ideal education laws and regulations are in the form,and the reforms cannot be implemented,making the development of education fail to achieve the expected results.Thirdly,through the investigation and analysis of Wang Shijie's education management activities during the Minister of Education of the Nanjing National Government,he obtained the following enlightenment: Really let education experts who understand education run education well;fully coordinate and mobilize all parties to develop education;perfect education policies and regulations are to measure education Normative standards.
Keywords/Search Tags:educational activities, Minister of Education, Wang Shijie
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