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Research On The Application Of Guide Case In Middle School Chinese Studies

Posted on:2020-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330596980089Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform,it has become the main task of education and teaching to create an efficient Chinese classroom and improve classroom teaching efficiency.In order to meet the requirements of "autonomy,inquiry,and cooperation" in the "New Curriculum Standard",the teaching model of "Guidance Case" came into being.After a long period of exploration and research,this teaching model has gradually been promoted throughout the country.In order to meet the requirements of education development,Huishui No.2 Middle School also implemented this model in 2010.In the years of implementing the teaching model of the "guiding case",the school's education and teaching have achieved certain results,but there are also many shortcomings in the process of applying the guiding case.Therefore,this thesis mainly discusses the application of Huishui No.2 Middle School Language Guide Case.First of all,the paper expounds the connotation of the teaching model of "guiding case" and the content and principles of the design of guiding case.Then,the article discusses the application of the case of the language guide in Huishui No.2 Middle School,and investigates the situation of students and teachers using the case of the language guide.Through the investigation,it is found that the use of the referral case has advantages and disadvantages.The application of the guide case has stimulated students 'interest in learning Chinese,so that students have a direction before class,their learning ability has been improved,the classroom atmosphere has become more active,the student's main position has been reflected,and the guiding role of teachers has been fully played.This model embodies the characteristics of the humanities in the language discipline,conforms to the cognitive structure of junior high school students,meets the requirements of the language curriculum standards,and meets the requirements of modern education teaching concepts,teachers 'teaching practices,and students' learning and development.However,there are more or less problems in the process of using the referral case.For example,the practicality of the guide case in reading teaching is poor;The design of the introduction case in composition teaching is difficult;How to adjust the use of referral cases in classroom teaching.In order to solve these problems,the author puts forward some strategies based on the requirements of the schools for the use of guidance programs:(1)Practical strategies for enhancing the use of guidance programs in reading teaching.1.The preparatory team must seriously perform its duties;2.The design of the school plan should be "blank";3.The preparation of school plans needs to be student-centered;4.The contents of the case should be arranged flexibly.(2)the design strategy of the introduction case in composition teaching.1.Dig textbooks and learn from classics;2.Case diagnosis,elimination of illness;3.The setting of knowledge points should not be excessive;4.The setting of the problem should reflect the goal and highlight the difficulties.(3)Adjustment Strategy for the Application of Guide Cases in Classroom Teaching.1.Give full play to the role of the learning team leader;2.Teachers should optimize the use of school plans and flexibly regulate the classroom;3.Combine "class pass" auxiliary teaching.In the process of explaining these strategies,the author uses some examples to illustrate them.For example,the author analyzes the design and teaching effect of "A Peach Tree" when expounding the practical strategy of enhancing the design of the guide case in reading teaching.For the "design strategy of the introduction case in composition teaching," the author also analyzed the case of "the writer must grasp the characteristics," and also made a bold attempt with the classroom record of this composition class.And the effect of classroom teaching is analyzed.The author hopes that through these strategies,it can be used as a reference for students and teachers in Huishui No.2 Middle School.
Keywords/Search Tags:Introduction, Junior high school languages, Huishui County No.2 Middle School, Applied research
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