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Research On The Construction And Operation Of DUT Makerspace

Posted on:2019-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330596461783Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the beginning of the 21 st century,China has entered a new normal of economy,that economic transformation is imperative.In response to this trend,Premier Li Keqiang put forward the idea of innovative economic transformation in the Report on the Work of the Government for 2015.With the advancement of transformational ideas,various types of maker movements and user innovative activities have emerged.The phenomenon of collaborative innovation and open innovation has greatly promoted the development of the entire dual-innovation business.However,under the guidance of the trend of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation”,due to the lack of special services and platforms for innovation and entrepreneurship,the success rate of Chinese entrepreneurs is low,and entrepreneurs have therefore suffered huge pressure.However,the emergence of the makerspace is a good way to solve this series of problems.Among many forms of makerspace,universities create the most eye-catching prospects,because universities have the advantages of teaching and educating resources,have many outstanding scientific research achievements and talent advantages,have the soil for entrepreneurship practice education,and have strong alumni networks and many other factors that are beneficial to entrepreneurs.Therefore,this paper will conduct a special study on the important topic of the construction and operation of the university's makerspace.First,this paper will use research method to figure out the latest theoretical and practical progress of university makerspaces,and accurately find out the construction goals and functions of the 1980 Makerspace of the Hexagon Building of Dalian University of Technology(hereinafter referred to as: Hexagon Building Makerspace),in order to design the corresponding organizational structure and business segments.Secondly,through the investigation method,this paper will examine the existing well-run university makerspaces.By summarizing the results,the paper will design a reasonable operation plan for the difficult parts,and propose the implementation path and guarantee conditions.This paper attempts to set the construction target and functional area,and provides the overall organizational structure and operation mode design for the Hexagon Building Makerspace.Through analysis of its operation management structure,resource integration structure,project selection incubation service and education system of dual-innovation,corresponding optimization recommendations are proposed.This paper not only can provide guidance for the construction and operation of the Hexagon Building Makerspace,but also can provide reference for the construction of other university makerspaces.
Keywords/Search Tags:universities, makerspace, functional positioning, construction plan, operation process
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