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A Study On Happiness Concepts Education About College Students In The New Era

Posted on:2020-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578966500Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Happiness is the eternal topic of human beings,the pursuit of human happiness has never stopped.Happiness view is the basic view about happiness.Different classes have different views on happiness.Marxist concept of people's happiness is a real scientific concept of happiness.In the new era,we must strengthen the education of college students' happiness view guided by Marxism happiness concept.As the fresh force and successor of building socialism,college students shoulder the historical mission of national rejuvenation.Strengthening the education of college students' marxist happiness concept is not only conducive to moral cultivation and cultivation,but also conducive to promoting the innovation of moral education in colleges and universities,so as to train college students to be new people who can shoulder the great cause of national rejuvenation.The article is divided into four parts.Chapter 1,introduction.This part introduces the research background,research significance,research status at home and abroad,as well as research ideas,research methods,key and difficult points and innovations of the concept of happiness education for college students.Chapter 2,the concept of happiness concept education for college students in the new era.This part defines the concept of happiness and happiness,and analyses the relation and distinction between happiness and well-being,and expounds the characteristics of the new era and new era college students,analyzes the outlook on education and related content,points out the new era of college students' outlook on education characteristics,this paper discusses the new era of college students' outlook on education importance and the necessity.Chapter 3,the investigation and analysis of the current situation of college students' happiness concept education in the new era.Through the form of questionnaire and individual interview,understand the happiness concept of college students education status.The results show that the education of contemporary college students' happiness concept has achieved initial results,but there are still some outstanding problems,from the aspects of college education,social orientation,family education,students themselves in-depth analysis of the causes of the problems.Chapter 4,the main countermeasures to strengthen the education of college students' happiness concept in the new era.One is to consolidate the theoretical foundation of the happiness concept education of college students in the new era;The second is to establish the basic principle of the happiness concept education of college students in the new era;Third,innovate the concrete method of the happiness concept education of college students in the new era;Fourth,Broaden the basic way to strengthen the education of college students' happiness view in the new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:the new era, college students, the concept of happiness, education of ideological and political
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