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College Students' Entrepreneurship And Its Cultivation

Posted on:2020-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578958166Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a knowledge-based talent,college students are the hope of the country's future development and the relay of the national rejuvenation.At present,due to the reform of the higher education system and the expansion of colleges and universities,college students are facing tremendous employment pressure.Therefore,the government pays more attention to the issue of college students' entrepreneurship and gives help and support.The whole society also recognizes and encourages college students to start their own businesses.Entrepreneurship is the premise of college students' entrepreneurial success.It is of great theoretical and practical significance to attach importance to the cultivation of entrepreneurship in the process of entrepreneurship education.Based on the Marxist concept of talents and the environment of ideological and political education,this study combines the characteristics of entrepreneurship and the characteristics of college students to comprehensively apply the principles and methods of ideological and political education,sociology,culture,and entrepreneurship.Data and empirical analysis explored the status quo and influencing factors of college students' entrepreneurial spirit,and put forward specific strategies for college students' entrepreneurial spirit cultivation.On the basis of summarizing the research results at home and abroad,this study believes that college students' entrepreneurial spirit includes six major components: innovation spirit,market pioneering spirit,adventurous spirit,teamwork spirit,craftsman spirit,integrity and law-abiding spirit,advanced,contemporary,Characteristics such as science.Through statistical analysis of data,this study finds the entrepreneurial spirit of college students is generally lacking,and the overall level at a general level,and there is still much room for improvement.Among them,the innovative spirit of college students is at a general level,the pioneering spirit of students is at a general level,the risk-taking spirit of college students is at a general level,the teamwork spirit of college students is at a medium-to-high level,the spirit college students is at a general level,and the spirit of integrity of law-abiding students is at a medium-to-high level..The reasons for the factors affecting the entrepreneurial spirit of college students mainly include: personal capital factors such as college students' psychological capital,human capital,social capital,school education education concepts,entrepreneurial education content,entrepreneurial education methods and other school education factors,family education concepts,education Family education factors such as conditions and educational methods,as well as and environmental factors such as social entrepreneurship policies,media entrepreneurial publicity,and social entrepreneurial culture.The article focuses on the cultivation of college students' entrepreneurial spirit.Based on the analysis of the status quo and influencing factors of college students' entrepreneurial spirit,several suggestions are put forward for the cultivation of college students' entrepreneurial spirit from the following aspects.First,establish a new concept of entrepreneurship.Transform the traditional educational concept,strengthen the understanding of the cultivation of entrepreneurship;change the concept of individual employment,enhance the entrepreneurial awareness of college students;change the traditional family concept and cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit of college students.Second,enrich the content of entrepreneurship.Improve the establishment of the curriculum system of entrepreneurship education,stimulate the entrepreneurial interest of college students;establish a team of entrepreneurs with a combination of full-time and part-time entrepreneurship to strengthen the awareness of college students' entrepreneurship;give play to the main role of college students and improve their entrepreneurial ability.Third,optimize the entrepreneurial spirit cultivation method.Schools and enterprises are strong alliances to establish entrepreneurial practice bases for college students;enriching entrepreneurial practice activities,encouraging more students to participate in entrepreneurial activities;entrepreneurial successful people role model demonstration,providing entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial experience.Fourth,improve the entrepreneurial spirit to foster an environment.Improve the government's entrepreneurial policy support system,provide institutional guarantee for the cultivation of college students' entrepreneurial spirit;use the new media's entrepreneurial public opinion propaganda to provide valuable information or resources for college students' entrepreneurship;create a strong entrepreneurial culture atmosphere,foster the entrepreneurial spirit of college students Provide a good environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education
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