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SWOT Analysis Of Middle School Ice And Snow Sports Teaching In Tianjin

Posted on:2020-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S N HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578471446Subject:Physical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It has successfully won the right to host the 2020 Winter Olympics.The successful bid for the Winter Olympics can not only attract young people to join the ice and snow sports,enhance the interest of young people in ice and snow sports,but also change the status quo of young people's relatively unfamiliar with ice and snow sports,so that the ice and snow sports get a large-scale popularization.The development of snow and ice sports not only can train more snow and ice talents for our country,lay a strong foundation for the implementation of the "sports power"strategy,but also provide a good opportunity for the middle schools in Tianjin to carry out snow and ice sports teaching.This study mainly investigated the teaching situation of ice and snow sports in Tianjin Middle School,the facilities of ice and snow sports teaching venues,the teaching teachers of ice and snow sports,the teaching cognition of ice and snow sports,and the importance of ice and snow sports teaching.Using literature research method,questionnaire survey method,expert interview method,SWOT analysis method,mathematical statistics method and logic analysis method,this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the advantages,disadvantages,opportunities,and challenges of the ice and snow movement in Tianjin middle school.The following conclusions were reached:1.Through investigation and analysis,there are also certain advantages in the teaching of ice and snow sports on the campus of Tianjin Middle School.Climate factors,policy factors,students preference for ice and snow sports,and geographical advantages can provide preconditions for middle school ice and snow teaching.The relevant national authorities promoted the snow and ice education culture in the school education system for the Beijing Winter Olympics.However,due to the implementation of the policy,it has not developed rapidly.2.By investigating the existence of snow and ice teaching in Tianjin secondary schools due to the lack of implementation of government policies and the limited economic strength of the middle school itself,the problem of venue facilities,traditional school sports,the lack of professional teachers,and the lack of attention from the leadership,Eventually,the establishment of ice and snow teaching was hindered.3.Tianjin Middle School does not have snow and ice teaching materials and teaching goals,resulting in students and teachers lacking basic knowledge of the movement,which is one of the important reasons that affect the development of teaching.4.According to the survey,the narrow scope of the snow and ice movement and cultural popularization in Tianjin Middle School has led students,teachers,and leaders to lack basic knowledge of the movement and has also affected the development of teaching.Finally,according to the current situation of ice and snow sports teaching in Tianjin Middle School,the following countermeasures were formulated:With the help of the "Plan" and the advantages of coordinated development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Ice and Snow Sports Fitness Circle was created to promote the snow and ice sports industry and some related industries.Integration development;To improve the level of attention of leaders,according to the actual situation of the school,optimize the teaching design,formulate the teaching goals of ice and snow,establish a perfect curriculum evaluation system,and promote the continuous improvement of ice and snow curriculum goals;Improve the scale and quality of the teaching of ice and snow sports in Tianjin Middle School,and build a high-quality and efficient team of outstanding teachers;The development process of ice and snow movement in the school can be described as a point and surface,gradually spread;Speed up the construction of teaching materials for ice and snow teaching,and use the characteristics of ice and snow projects to develop related Xiangqun projects,such as:roller skating,dry ice and other projects,to stimulate students 'interest and motivation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tianjin, Middle School, Ice and Snow Sports Teaching, SWOT Analysis
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