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Analysis And Research On The Effect Of Sensitivity Application In Volleyball Teaching For Middle School Students

Posted on:2020-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330575975001Subject:Physical Education
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Since the implementation of the national student physical health standards,the shijiazhuang foreign language education group has been earnestly implementing the guiding ideology of "health first" for students.The physical and mental health of middle school students has always been the core issue concerned by the national education level.The participation of middle school students in sports activities is the best way to promote their physical and mental health development.It is an important objective proposed under the new curriculum standard of China's physical education to constantly improve students' interest in sports activities and develop correct learning goals.Under the guidance of opinions on strengthening the physical fitness of teenagers issued by the central committee of the communist party of China(CPC)and the state council(CPC),the physical health of Chinese teenagers has been declining year by year.Five years from the party central committee and the state council proposed to comprehensively achieve the national youth to achieve the national physical health requirements,specifically reflected in the agility and flexibility,speed,endurance,strength and other physical qualities of the target is very different.Sensitivity is the ability to judge space and time.Middle school is the best time to cultivate students' sensitive qualities.They can enhance their physical qualities through various sports activities in school.After 10 years of age is an important time to improve your alertness.Training develops most quickly at this time,but as you get older,your development slows down.Therefore,in middle school,it is helpful to strengthen students' sensitivity training as early as possible.At present,the reform of PE teaching in junior high school is going on smoothly in China.Volleyball is an important part of PE teaching in middle school students.Volleyball is a team sport,which is conducive to the cultivation of the only-child's sense of collective honor and solidarity and cooperation ability.Volleyball can unify the development of the coordination and sensitivity of all parts of the body.Sensitivity plays an important role in starting,backing,dodging,changing body position and making correct judgment in the quick and changeable incoming ball in the course of volleyball.There is no fixed technicalmovement in volleyball,so we should quickly observe and respond according to the situation on the playing field.The sensitive quality is closely combined with the skills and tactics in volleyball and is closely related to the qualities of flexibility,coordination and speed.However,it is not realistic to improve the students' technical level and various physical fitness indexes in a short time.Therefore,it is necessary to strengthen the connection between various qualities in future practical research.In physical education,I found the following two reasons to influence students' performance: first,it is related to their physical conditions,which is mainly reflected in the students with poor quality and fat body.The second one is related to the degree of preference of students in PE class,which is mainly reflected in the interest of study.As a result of poor physical quality,students cannot complete the exercises and technical movements required by the teacher in class,and they are gradually surpassed by other students in the learning process.Their self-confidence is frustrated and they are unwilling to communicate with the teacher in a timely manner,which leads to the phenomenon that students are not very interested in sports activities.The development of teenagers is closely related to all kinds of physical qualities,especially sensitive ones.Volleyball skill is complex,it requires students to have accurate judgment,fast and agile reaction,flexible and flexible to the ball ability,so the improvement and development of sensitive quality is the most important.In the practice,I divided the students into several groups,and through the transformation method,the soft ladder method,the combination of volleyball special method,game method and other targeted auxiliary exercises to improve the sensitive quality of the students,arouse the students' desire to learn and master the motor skills faster,and increase their confidence.This not only improves students' sensitivity and coordination,but also helps students develop good awareness and teamwork skills.This study used the experimental method,expert interview method,literature method,questionnaire survey,mathematical statistics to shijiazhuang foreign language education group on physical education students in class two,grade seven of sensitivity training,improve their sensitive degree in volleyball class and improve performance,and let them develop good study habits,thus to promote the all-round development of students.The two classes are relatively equal in sports performance,but the overall level of boys is higher than that of girls.Through analysis and comparison,the students' sensitivity after continuous training is trained and improved,and their mastery of technology can be steadily improved.Research conclusion: 1.After 8 weeks of nimbleness practice,middle school students added the nimbleness practice in the special class of volleyball,which is helpful for students to improve their speed quality,agility quality and coordination quality.While improving the sensitivity of middle school students,they should also pay attention to the combination of comprehensive quality.Only by comprehensively improving the overall quality of students can they achieve balanced development in special courses.2.Although the conventional training method has certain effects on improving the sensitivity of middle school students,to the extent of improvement,the conventional training method is much slower than the targeted sensitive training method.It is necessary to practice the sensitive quality repeatedly and persistently to improve the students' sensitive quality and physical quality in all aspects.3.By practicing nimbly,the students can improve the success rate of practicing in the special class of volleyball.With the improvement of skills,students' interest in learning volleyball becomes stronger.
Keywords/Search Tags:volleyball teaching, sensitivity, application effect
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