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Problems And Countermeasures In The Implementation Of Chinese Reading Course In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2020-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y DiFull Text:PDF
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With the development of Chinese education,it is a general trend for schools to offer Chinese reading course in junior middle school.When the author was teaching in the middle school attached to Hebei Normal University,the author found that there were many problems in the implementation of Chinese reading course in junior middle school.This topic mainly studies Chinese reading course in junior middle school and the question solution countermeasure.This paper consists of four parts.The introduction consists of four sections.First,the author discusses the origin and significance of the research.The origin of the project is based on the curriculum standards,students themselves and social development of extracurricular reading high requirements.Secondly,it is a research summary.The author sorts out and analyzes the research results of Chinese extracurricular reading and reading course in junior middle schools in China to understand the research status and find the research direction.Thirdly,it introduces the theoretical basis of the research topic,namely constructivism teaching thought,Vygotsky's "zone of proximal development" theory and Ausubel's achievement motivation theory,and points out the enlightenment of these theories to the subject.Then,the research objectives and research methods are described.Finally,the concept of extracurricular reading and junior high school Chinese reading class is defined.The first chapter is the overview of Chinese reading course in junior middle school,a total of three sections.The first section summarizes the requirements and changes of extracurricular reading in the curriculum standards over the past 100 years.The author finds that the Chinese reading course in junior middle school is in the same line with extracurricular reading,which provides historical reference for the author to study the basic content of the Chinese reading course in junior middle school.The second section,through the comparison of extracurricular reading and Chinese reading course in junior middle school similarities and differences,the author found Chinese reading course in junior middle school advantage.In the third section,the author expounds the basic content of junior high school Chinese reading course from the aspects of course characteristics,course objectives,course contents,teaching methods and course evaluation,in order to clarify what junior high school Chinese reading course is and how to teach it.The second chapter is Chinese reading course in junior middle school in the implementation of the problems,a total of two sections.In the first section,the author analyzes questionnaire carried out on the teaching school junior middle school students on Chinese reading course in junior middle school.In the second section,four problems are encountered in the implementation of Chinese reading course in junior middle school,that is,the family reading atmosphere is not strong;the school does not pay attention to the reading course,lacking of teaching management;teachers also do not pay attention to reading course,teaching guidance too little;students have many problems in reading methods,reading contents,reading notes and reading interest.The current situation of Chinese reading course in junior middle school is not optimistic.In the third chapter,the author proposes solutions to the problems existing in the implementation of Chinese reading course in junior middle school,from the perspective of family,school,teachers and students.First,the author believes that the strength of the family should be brought into play,and parents should be encouraged to create a good reading atmosphere and participate in students' reading activities.Second,schools should attach importance to the teaching management of junior high school Chinese reading class,so that teachers and students attach importance to junior high school Chinese reading class.For example,lead the study of teaching methods,increase reading classes,select books and periodicals in the reading room,and organize the evaluation of reading activities.Third,teachers should also pay attention to the teaching of reading courses,and guide and evaluate students' reading in multiple ways,such as recommending reading bibliography,making reading plans,teaching reading methods and evaluating reading effects.Fourth,organize a variety of student reading activities to improve students' reading interest and core literacy of Chinese,such as: student exchange activities,student display activities,student evaluation activities.The author takes the middle school attached to Hebei Normal University as an example to study this subject.These methods are more in line with the actual teaching situation of our school,hoping to provide some useful help to Chinese colleagues teaching Chinese reading course in junior middle school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Extracurricular reading, Core quality of Chinese subject, Chinese reading course in junior middle school
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