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Research On The Content Teaching Of "Exploration And Innovation" In Junior Mathematics Based On Key Competency

Posted on:2020-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P LiuFull Text:PDF
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The topic of key competency is a new wave in the educational circles.What changes will be brought about in the concept of education,curriculum design,teaching mode,learning mode and teaching evaluation when the core quality of subjects is put forward? For front-line teachers,A series of questions came up one after another.How to truly implement the teaching idea and goal of developing students' key competency into teaching practice,what ways to use,what teaching methods or forms to adopt,what professional literacy teachers need,how to improve their professional literacy to meet the requirements of the state and society for this content and so on.In this paper,the author combines the actual teaching experience,through investigation and research,mainly analyzes the application of "exploration and innovation" in the actual teaching of the Qingdao version of junior high school mathematics textbook,and its positive role in the development of students' key competency.I hope it can provide reference for junior high school mathematics educators who are equally confused with me in their educational practice.The paper is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction,mainly discussing the background and reasons of this research.The second part is related literature review.By comparing with several different versions of textbooks,this part analyses the content of "exploration and innovation" in Qingdao textbooks,and introduces the function of this part in developing students' key competency.The third part is based on the key competency of junior high school mathematics textbook "exploration and innovation" content teaching situation investigation and analysis,respectively from teachers and students,mainly through the form of questionnaires and interviews,analysis of the Qingdao version of junior high school mathematics textbook "exploration and innovation" content use and the reasons for the lack of attention in actual teaching.At the same time,it gives appropriate teaching suggestions according to the current situation,hoping to have a certain reference significance for the development of students' key competency.The fourth part is the analysis of the content of "exploration and innovation" in Qingdao Junior Middle School Mathematics Textbook based on key competency.It mainly compares the content of "number and algebra","figure and geometry","statistics and probability","synthesis and practice" with the six key elements of key competency,and studiesthe importance and implementation of the content of "exploration and innovation" in Qingdao edition for the development of key competency.The fifth part is the case design and implementation of "exploration and innovation" based on key competency.Three typical cases of "fractional equation application problem","shortest distance problem" and "fractional calculation problem" are selected from the eighth grade of junior high school mathematics in Qingdao edition to study,and the functions of cultivating students' key competency are analyzed.At the same time,combined with the form of questionnaires and students' mathematical diaries,it illustrates the effectiveness and importance of the content of "exploration and innovation" in Qingdao textbook in cultivating students' key competency.Students' key competency should be developed in Mathematics for a long time.In the final analysis,it should be returned to classroom teaching.Through mathematics learning in class,students can gradually form mathematical thinking,promote the formation of comprehensive personality,and then produce personal qualities and key abilities that can adapt to social development.Therefore,in the teaching of mathematics,teachers must fully tap the textbooks,so that students can be effectively promoted in the classroom.The main purpose of this study is to guide students' innovative consciousness and cultivate their innovative qualities through the teaching of "exploration and innovation" content,taking the excavation of students' mathematical thinking and methods as a breakthrough point.The author suggests that teachers should attach importance to the development of their professional literacy,the role of textbooks in the development of students' literacy,the main position of students in the development of literacy,and the status of family-school cooperation and social concern in the development of literacy.In the classroom,teachers should use the springboard function of "exploration and innovation" content to promote the formation of students' mathematical literacy with the understanding of knowledge,promote the formation of students' mathematical thinking with the transfer of knowledge,and promote the development of students' key competency with the innovation of knowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:key competency, exploration and innovation, Junior middle school mathematics, Qingdao version
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