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A Study On The Innovation Of Ideological And Political Education Methods In Colleges And Universities In The New Era

Posted on:2020-09-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L KanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330575951082Subject:Ideological and political education
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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the historical transformation and innovative development of various national undertakings in the report of the19 th National Congress,and clearly pointed out that China has entered a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Under the condition of new historical orientation,new and more abundant material and spiritual conditions,the ideological and political education methods of colleges and universities also show new features,which need to be innovative and developed.Innovation is the driving force of national progress and development.The innovation of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era is necessary and important to ideological and political education itself,as well as to the construction of college students and society.Although in this process we will encounter the challenge of the limitations of the ideas or carriers of both sides of education,but the opportunities brought by economy,science and technology and human subjective initiative are greater than the challenges.Despite the shortcomings of the sensitivity of the times and the innovation of externalized practice,the analysis of the reasons will make the ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities develop innovatively,and then through inheritance and reference,The exploration and the integration and connection of the three find out the contents of the innovation of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era and make use of the new carrier to renew the traditional methods and other practical ways.The three components of this paper are as follows:The first part analyzes the connotation and innovation background of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era.The first is the analysis of the related concepts of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era.Through the interpretation of the new era and the analysis of the concepts of ideological and political education methods and ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities,the connotation and extension of ideological andpolitical education methods in colleges and universities in the new era are obtained.This paper analyzes the types of ideological and political education method innovation in colleges and universities in the new era,including principle method,concrete method and operation method.The characteristics of ideological and political education method innovation in colleges and universities in the new era are the necessity of ideological and political education method innovation in colleges and universities in the new era,that is,the characteristics of the times of university students and the requirements of ideological and political education method innovation in colleges and universities.It can be seen that its characteristics include the unity of science and practicability,the unity of pertinence and vitality,the unity of characteristics and social value.Then,this paper expounds the background of the innovation of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era,that is,opportunities and challenges.Economic development,scientific and technological progress,harmonious development of social construction provide a stable innovation environment,fresh carrier guarantee and harmonious development of the relationship between the subject and object of the educator and educatee and other beneficial factors.But at the same time,the challenge can not be ignored,the impact on the innovation of traditional methods,the change of ideas between educators and educatees,the mastery of new carriers by both sides of education,and the different effects on the thoughts of educators and educated people.The second part analyzes the problems existing in the innovation of the methods of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new era and the reasons for these problems,including the weak sensitivity and insufficient vitality in the social era of the innovation of the methods of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.The interaction is weak,the carrier of modernization is not fully considered in innovation,and the externalization of method innovation is not very practical and so on.This paper looks for the reasons for the problems arising from the innovation of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era,for example,the theory of the times is not leading,the method innovation is not focused on the newcomers of the times,and the method of ideological and political education is weak in practice.The external support relative to theInnovation of the method of Relational ideological and political Education Weak factors,etc.The third part probes into the contents and realization ways of the innovation of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era.The innovation of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era is mainly carried out in the aspects of theoretical research and teaching means.The way to realize it is mainly from the theory of ideological and political education method,the promotion of educators and educatees' creative consciousness,the application proficiency of the new carrier,the balance between classroom-style collective teaching and teaching in accordance with their aptitude.The combination of self-criticism and criticism,the way and degree of participation in social practice,the construction of campus cultural environment,and so on,carry on the inheritance and development of "don't forget the original" : innovative inheritance and inheritance.Unifying the methods of ideological and political education in colleges and universities and inheriting the methods of ideological and political education of the Party creatively.Drawing lessons from foreign countries: absorbing other countries' excellent methods of ideological and political education in colleges and universities and working methods of other disciplines.The exploration and development of "facing the future",according to the existing foundation and environment,is consistent with the progress and promotion of the ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities.In a word,the innovation of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities in the new era is evolving with the development of society,and it is an endless spiral process of activities.To grasp the new opportunities for innovation in methods,see clearly the major challenges facing,recognize new situations and new problems,and make great efforts to apply them to practice,we can grasp the direction and solve problems under the call of a new era and a new mission.Constantly improve the effectiveness of the innovation of ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities.
Keywords/Search Tags:In the New era, Methods of ideological and political Education in Colleges and Universities, Innovation of method
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