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Action Research On Fostering Children's Creativity In Top Class Through Role Play

Posted on:2020-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330575474802Subject:Preschool education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Creativity is an important requirement for talents in the future society,and the early childhood stage is the key period to cultivate a person's creativity.Role games are children's favorite,most devoted game activities.It is an activity in which young children rely on their own life experience and experience to try to play other favorite roles according to their own ideas.Children can use various materials to interact with others by imitating the behavior and speaking of others.It can be said that the role game is an important carrier of children undefined creativity development.This study takes a qualitative approach to action research in research.Taking 25 children in a large class in a kindergarten in Songjing district of Shanghai as subjects,a half-year action study was conducted.This paper investigates the influence of role games on children's creativity,designs and implements action plans of role games,and constantly reconsiders and improves the implementation strategies of role games in the process of implementation.In order to explore the impact of role play on the development of children's creativity,and how to adopt effective strategies to better promote the development of children's creativity in the role game.The results show that the effective development of role play can improve the level of creativity and promote the development of fluency,flexibility and originality of children's thinking.To cultivate the creativity of large class children through role play,we should start from three aspects: the creation of game environment,the release of game materials,and the guidance of teachers.First of all,the creation of the game environment should make full use of the class and kindergarten space,enrich the game theme environment,and attract young children to actively participate in the role game.Second is the release of game materials,material bags and materials supermarket combined to achieve the effective combination of high and low structure materials,in order to stimulate the creative performance of young children in the game.Finally,teachers should strengthen the effective guidance in the game,be good at observing,catch and strengthen the creative performance in children's games in time.Through timely intervention to promote the richness of play characters and plot performance,to make full use of game reviews,to encourage young children to use alternative and low-structure materials.Based on the above conclusions,this paper puts forward the following suggestions:Kindergarten should strengthen creative education.To realize Home Cooperation and promote Co-education.Multi-level release of game materials,continuous updating.Appropriate guidance for individual differences of young children.
Keywords/Search Tags:Top class children, Role play, Creativity, Action research
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