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The Strategy Of Establishing Close Relationship Between Teachers And Children And Its Validity Test

Posted on:2020-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330572498388Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Teacher-child relationship is an important social relationship after the birth of a child,and it is also the beginning and key component of individual social development.As the children grow up,their growth environment has also changed,and they have begun to enter a more social kindergarten from the family,and a variety of interpersonal relationships will follow.The relationship between teachers and children refers to the psychological relationship in which children,through kindergartens,interact with each other through emotions,cognition and behavioral communication.The small class is the initial stage of the teacher-child relationship.After the child enters the kindergarten,whether the teacher and the child can form an intimate and harmonious relationship between the teacher and the child not only affects the life and learning of the child in the kindergarten,but also affects the social development of the child's later emotions and behaviors.In this study,the researcher used four cases of children in the kindergarten class where the internship was located as the research object.Based on the research of the predecessors,the research method mainly used the observation method and the questionnaire method to use the child social behavior teacher.The Assessment Questionnaire and the self-edited "Children's Behavior Watch" analyze the performance and psychological changes of children in the park,and screen out two children who have no experience in entering the park.And sugar sugar;and two children with poor experience in the performance of the park,Jingjing and Shunshun.As a trainee teacher and as an implementer,the researcher developed four different implementation plans in order to establish an intimate emotional connection with the four children.The main strategies used in the program include: greeting strategy,care in life.Strategies,sharing special time strategies,behavioral support strategies,and emotional support strategies.Two months after the study,the questionnaire score,the relationship between the researcher and the four children,and the observation of the interaction between the teacher and the child showed that the researcher and the four children had established an ideal teacher-child relationship,which was high intimacy and low.Conflict type,that is,the close relationship between teachers and children as defined in the study.At the sametime,because the researchers usually interact with 4 children and have more emotional input,the intimacy between the researchers and the 4 children is slightly higher than that of the other 3 teachers and 4 children in the class.Therefore,it can be proved that the five strategies used in this study are effective for establishing intimate relationships between teachers and young children,especially when teachers and young children spend special time alone,they will let young children feel that they are being followed and liked by teachers.The relationship between teachers and children can be quickly sublimated.In exploring the additional effects of intimate teacher-child relationships,that is,the impact on young children's behavior,the study found that intimate teacher-child relationship helps to alleviate the problem of young children entering the park,and can help young children adapt to kindergarten life as quickly as possible.It is also conducive to teachers to develop children's rules awareness.At the same time,the close relationship between teachers and children does help the development of children's social behavior,especially the impact of children's emotional control and shy withdrawal.This also verifies the results of previous studies.Finally,this study gives children different care and intervention based on their different personality traits and behavioral characteristics,and puts forward some suggestions on how to establish a close relationship between teachers and children.The study believes that for new children,teachers should have more care in life;for young children who are already in the adaptation period,teachers should make good use of special time to give children's friends the same care;appropriate alienation,avoid emotional exhaustion,give At the same time,children need to maintain a moderate distance while maintaining meticulous care and kind care;they should treat children's behaviors with kindness and determination in attachment relations;promote family work together and pay attention to the emotional transfer of children after entering the park.When young children have a sense of security and belonging in the kindergarten,and feel that the adults in the kindergarten care for them as individuals,the children can learn and grow healthily and happily in the kindergarten.
Keywords/Search Tags:close teacher-child relationship, strategy, validity test
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