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Talking About Teaching Methods Of Mongolian Language Writing In Senior High School

Posted on:2019-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R G G SuFull Text:PDF
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Writing teaching is the key and difficult part of basic education.The high school phase is a crucial period for improving writing skills.The quality of a nation depends on the educational level of the nation,and the cultural literacy of the educated people mainly comes from Chinese education.This feature is unique to the language discipline.In this sense,language teaching has a strong comprehensiveness.Comprehensiveness means that Chinese language teaching has many features such as instrumentality,humanity,knowledge,and comprehensiveness.It carries education functions of knowledge education,moral education,aesthetic education,and ability training.It also includes listening,speaking,reading,writing,rewarding,and thinking.And many other aspects of integrated teaching.Therefore,writing teaching plays a leading and promoting role in all aspects of Chinese teaching in middle schools.Based on the above thinking I wrote this paper.In the new era,cultivating new types of talent is the demand of society,and education must meet the needs of the times.Therefore,writing education is particularly important for ethnic education.This article mainly discusses the high school Mongolian language writing teaching.However,it does not advocate the systematization of writing teaching theory,but rather seeks to discover and solve the problems existing in students' writing teaching.To solve “how to write and how to teach” points out some ways to explore ways to improve students' writing performance.Can provide students with effective practice methods,but also for our district high school Mongolian language writing teaching to accumulate some experience,to make a little contribution to the improvement of Mongolian language teaching.The introductory part of the paper explains the purpose,significance,current status and methods of the research.The first part mainly discusses the problems in writing teaching and explores solutions.The second part attempts to explain how to cultivate students' independent practice and reflect their main body position.The third part mainly discusses the role of teachers' scientific guidance.The paper mainly adopts the case analysis method,and some chapters use methods such as induction,comparison,interpretation,etc.,and strive to elaborate the compositional material.
Keywords/Search Tags:Senior High School, Writing, Teaching Research
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