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The Research Of College Students' Socialist Core Values Education In Micro-Era

Posted on:2019-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330548471537Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development and maturity of Internet technology,digital information technology and mobile intelligent terminal technology,the continued growth of mobile Internet users,the rapid development of mobile APP platform,To micro-blog,We Chat,micro social,represented by various types of micro media has quietly entered people's daily life,announced the arrival of the "micro era".The diversification of communication subject,the diversification of communication mode and the fragmentation of communication content in the micro era,not only brings people into a new,free,democratic and pluralistic field of communication,but also exerts a subtle influence on people's life,In particular,it will affect the value judgment and value choice of college students,and make the education of socialist core values faced with challenges in the new era.As a "Aboriginal" in the micro era,college students are interdependent with the micro era.The "micro" for life,learning and communication mode not only provides equal and open communication space and personality to the students,but also changing the way of thinking,behavior and value systemof college students,so that their psychology,thinking,behavior and values are subject to different degrees of impact,resulting in distorted values,mental confusion,belief the lack of negative effects,it also intensifies the complexity and urgency of the socialist core values education under the new situation.Paying attention to the education of the socialist core values of college students in the micro-era era,using the core values of socialism to lead and upgrade the construction of the university students' values system has become an important issue that we urgently need to resolve in the new era.It is also the basic follow-through of the new commentary on the core values of socialism in the 19th National Congress of the General Secretary of the general secretary of Xi Jinping,as well as a fundamental rule for the newcomer of the times of cultivating national rejuvenation.Based on the above realistic thinking,this paper identifies the basic research ideas,and is mainly divided into four parts:the first part is to clarify the related concepts and discusses the necessity of the micro background of College Students' socialist core values education;the second part through the empirical research,dialectical analysis of the concept of Education of College Students' socialist core micro era the value obtained what result and what are the problems;Thirdly,combining with the micro era characteristic of information transmission,conducted a comprehensive analysis from four reasons of educators,educational objects,educational methods,educational environment education to the micro era of socialist core values of college students problems;the fourth part according to the background of micro-era,combining with college students,comprehensive educators,college students,education methods,education environment,and communication skills are explored in several aspects to explore the specific ways of strengthening the education of socialist core values of undergraduates in the micro-era in order to further enhance the effectiveness of socialist core values education for college students in the micro-era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micro era, college students, socialist core values education
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