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Research On The Current Situation, Problems And Countermeasures Of Teachhing Decelopment In Guangxi Tndergraduate Universities

Posted on:2019-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330545967724Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Undergraduate colleges and universities are the main force for training high-level compound talents.The quality of education in undergraduate colleges directly affects the quality of personnel training.But at present,there are still a series of problems in the quality of higher education in Guangxi.Guangxi is an important part of Western China.Its economy is underdeveloped.The development of higher education is attracting much attention.Improving college teachers' teaching ability is an important task for Guangxi colleges and universities.Based on this,this study mainly focuses on the development of teachers' teaching in Guangxi universities.This paper reviews the changes in the policy of teaching development of university teachers in China since the expansion of enrollment in 1999,and enumerates the main policies of the development of College Teachers in the state and Guangxi Ministry of education,and analyzes the practical effects of the implementation of the teachers in the teaching of college teachers through the policy.Through the introduction of Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs,teaching academic theory,life-long education theory and career management theory,it points out the consistency with the internal requirements of the teaching development of college teachers,which is the theoretical basis for the development of teachers,teaching in Colleges and universities.This paper,from the main institutions,main policies,main objectives,main contents and main methods of Guangxi University Teachers' teaching development,understands the present situation of teacher teaching in Guangxi undergraduate colleges and universities,and makes interviews with the teaching related personnel and students in some colleges and universities in Guangxi District,and understands the teaching of college teachers.There are a series of problems.Teachers' individual level:Teachers' lack of knowledge reserve,teaching skills need to be promoted,teaching enthusiasm is not enough,teachers' self-development consciousness is not strong,lack of awareness of teaching innovation;school organizational level:teaching and scientific research environment is not balanced,training system is not perfect,large class teaching teachers are not concentrated,teacher evaluation and assessment system In the macro level of the government,the lack of effective policy support,inadequate investment in special development funds,and the social status and economic income of teachers need to be promoted.Based on the above shortcomings,the author tries to explore the causes of teachers' teaching problems,hoping to find effective measures to promote the development of teaching in Guangxi's colleges and universities.
Keywords/Search Tags:The development of teachers' Teaching, Teachers' Teaching Development Center, Teacher training, Teaching ability
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