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Research On The Protection Of Labor Rights And Interests Of Network Contract Workers Under The Mode Of Sharing Economy

Posted on:2021-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330647453906Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of Internet technology and the increase of users' acceptance of the sharing economy business model,the sharing economy has infiltrated from the initial online car hailing and delivery business to various fields such as accommodation,fitness,medical care,personalized labor service,etc.The report of the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China points out that the sharing economy has become one of the six new growth points and new driving forces of China's economic development.With the vigorous development of the sharing economy industry,the number of "network contractors" who provide services for the sharing economy platform is also growing.According to the report on the development of the sharing economy,in 2018,the number of people participating in the provision of sharing economy services in China has reached 75 million.However,the existing labor protection mode in China is based on the traditional labor relations,and the protection of workers in this new business model is almost blank.This makes a large number of "network contract workers" can not get the same labor rights and interests protection as traditional workers.The phenomenon of two-level division of labor market is more and more obvious.Such a long-term development is obviously not conducive to social equity and stability.On the other hand,as a new engine of China's economic development,sharing economy plays an important role in promoting China's economic development towards a positive trend and promoting employment.Therefore,we must not restrain the development of sharing economy because of excessive labor protection.Therefore,it is necessary to find an effective balance between the development of the sharing economy and the protection of workers' rights and interests,so that the sharing economy can develop healthily and rapidly,at the same time,it can effectively take into account the rights and interests of workers,and finally ensure the harmony and stability of the society.This paper first defines the concept of research object and the scope of research through literature research and comparative analysis.Then,through the analysis of the characteristics of the sharing economy and its employment mode,we try to find out the difficulties and reasons for the protection of labor rights and interests.Then draw lessons from the excellent protection experience of foreign countries,put forward improvement suggestions and Countermeasures for the protection of labor rights and interests of "network contract workers" in China.The first chapter introduces the concepts of sharing economy,labor rights and interests,defines the core concepts of sharing platform,network contract and other research objects,and introduces three related public management theories applied in this paper.The second chapter analyzes the current development of the sharing economy mode and its impact on labor employment;introduces the three main types of labor service sharing platform employment mode: online car hailing,take away delivery,home service;and then analyzes the characteristics of their respective labor employment mode.The third chapter first summarizes the current situation of labor protection of "network contract workers",then analyzes the dilemma of labor rights protection of network contract workers from three aspects of enterprise internal protection,labor supervision protection and judicial protection,and then analyzes the reasons of the dilemma of labor rights protection of "network contract workers" from three aspects of system design,government level and social forces.The fourth chapter first introduces the labor protection experience of the United States,Germany,Japan and other developed countries for the flexible employment personnel such as "network contract workers",and then draws useful reference and Enlightenment for China from these foreign experience.In chapter five,based on the advantages of Internet carriers in the employment mode of sharing economy,the corresponding improvement suggestions and countermeasures are put forward from the top-level system design,government supervision and service,and social coordination mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sharing economy, Network contract workers, Protection of labor rights and interests
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