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China Experience:New Approaches To Global Governance Transformation

Posted on:2021-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G B XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330626455530Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous deepening of globalization and the frequent emergence of global governance issues,the previous global governance system was unable to effectively cope with the global governance dilemma.At the same time,the international system is also undergoing profound changes.Western traditional powers are relatively declining,and developing countries are growing stronger.The demands of developing countries to participate in global governance have become increasingly strong,and more and more countries have demanded reforms in the global governance system.As the world 's largest trading nation,the second largest economy,and the largest developing country,China has gradually realized its role as a“participant-contributor-leader” on the stage of global governance.The world 's expectations for China are also increasing.In 2015,China proposed the five development concepts of "innovation,coordination,greenness,openness,and sharing." This is a concentrated reflection of China's 40 years of reform and opening-up development achievements and experience."Innovation" is committed to providing new impetus for economic development."Coordination" emphasizes balanced development,"green" means sustainable development,"openness" emphasizes internal and external linkage,and "share" focuses on the problem of unfair distribution.Obviously,the five development concepts as an indivisible whole,the interaction and promotion of each element can effectively solve economic and social development issues and promote scientific and sustainable development.Since the introduction of the five development concepts,it has drawn attention from all walks of life.The European Times believes that the combination of the five development concepts and the Chinese model will not only enable China to maintain the status of an engine of world economic growth,promote global economic development,but also provide a path for global governance New solutionsand experiences.This article focuses on this theme,focusing on the enlightenment and reference of Chinese experience for global governance.The research mainly uses comparative research method and case study method.First,in the comparative research method,the problems existing in the previous global governance system are compared with China's global governance programs,and the institutional and theoretical issues in global governance problems are more intuitively understood.Feasibility and applicability.Secondly,the specific practices and achievements of the Chinese solution are introduced in the comparison process,such as the “Belt and Road” construction,G20 summit,global climate summit,etc.Accept and benefit together,not the unilateral output of the Chinese solution.This article is mainly divided into five parts:The first part mainly discusses the driving force of global economic growth.Under the influence of the international financial crisis,global economic growth is in trouble,and global economic and financial governance faces many problems,the most fundamental of which is the lack of growth momentum.In the process of global governance,China uses the Chinese solution to promote the construction of a "innovative,dynamic,interconnected,and inclusive" world economy,and provides new momentum for global economic growth.The second part mainly expounds the significance of China's experience for the coordinated and balanced development in the process of global governance.After the "Belt and Road" initiative was put forward,various constructions progressed smoothly and the development momentum was rapid,effectively promoting coordinated international development.This thinking and practice has provided a valuable reference for further coordinating the coordinated development between different types of countries.The third part discusses the problems and solutions of global environmental governance around the theme of green development.Global environmental governance involves many issues,of which global climategovernance is a prominent difficulty.The ups and downs of the global climate governance process have greatly affected the effective cooperation between countries and international organizations.China's emphasis on environmental issues and protection measures in the development process have promoted the realization of the "Beautiful China" goal on the one hand,and on the other hand its role as a model in global climate governance and the practice of green governance concepts have provided more solutions for global climate issues.Many feasible ideas.The fourth part focuses on the promotion of a new type of globalization.After the international financial crisis,a counter current of global trade protectionism has emerged,which has hindered the development of economic globalization.This is the inevitable result of the inherent contradictions of economic globalization led by the West in the past.Economic globalization is an irreversible historical trend,and we cannot deny the inevitable trend of globalization with the current twists and turns.China's reform and opening up is a truly reasonable path for global development.Since the reform and opening up,China has insisted on gradual opening to the outside world,the government-led market-oriented opening to the outside world,and adhered to a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation approach has injected new impetus into China's economic development.Since the international financial crisis,China has always insisted on opening up to the outside world,further deepened reforms,strengthened connectivity with other countries,promoted the development of multilateralism,and promoted the development of new types of globalization.The fifth part explains the ultimate goal of the development concept,that is,sharing for all.The formation of the international economic order after World War II has gradually created a development gap between countries and regions during the development process.China's planned,step-by-step,differentiated development strategy,especially the poverty reduction strategy,has effectively solved the problem of imbalanced development caused by natural conditions.In the process of implementing the United NationsMillennium Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,Set an example.China's practice also provides an effective reference for solving the problem of imbalanced development between countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Global Governance, China Solution, Five Concepts for De velopment
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