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A Case Study On The Government's Response To Taifu Incident In Luxian County,Sichuan Province

Posted on:2020-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330623958181Subject:Public Administration
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With the continuous progress of the Internet era,particularly the rapid development of mobile network technology,people can carry out instant propagation through weibo,WeChat,short video and live broadcast of some events around you or some major hot events in other regions thousands of miles away from you,which has changed the traditional way of media communication and broken the limitation of time and space.People are both receivers and publishers of information.Everyone can make news and become a journalist.This is an era of we-media.At present,China is in the period of social transformation.The imbalance of social development and various conflicts of interests frequently spur emergencies which often affect people's lives and are closely related to their interests.Due to the openness,freedom and virtuality of the Internet,rumors can be spread more easily on the Internet.After the occurrence of an emergency,all kinds of rumors related to it will often be generated.Due to the spread of rumors,the trend of public opinion will be affected to some extent.In addition,the complexity,diversity and uncertainty of Internet rumors increase the difficulty of the government's public opinion response.Some major online public opinion events make people realize the importance of online public opinion.Online public opinion is a double-edged sword.Proper response can improve the government's credibility.Improper response is likely to induce bad emotions of the public,which will stimulate conflicts and lead to secondary public opinion disasters,thus lose the credibility of the government.In 2017,a student fell to his death in taifu,luxian county,sichuan province.Soon after the incident,multiple versions of rumors about the student fell to his death appeared on the Internet.Due to the lack of experience in dealing with online public opinions,relevant local departments have simple ways,methods and means to deal with public opinions as well as the lack of experience in the timing and strategy of public opinion response.Not only did it not contain rumors,but also failed to control the trend of public opinion,which led to continuous questioning from netizens.This seemingly simple accidental death of a student caused a huge public opinion crisis,and taifu county became the focus of national public opinion.Later,luzhou city and relevant departments began to intervene in the investigation of this incident,and held a press conference to release the results of the investigation in detail,and to clarify various video rumor versions on the Internet one by one,with sufficient and convincing evidence,which was recognized by Internet users,so that the public opinion gradually subsided.Taifu incident of luxian county reflects the importance,complexity and diversity of current online public opinions.How to effectively deal with online public opinions and prevent online public opinion crisis is not only a practical problem to strengthen social management,but also a test of the governance ability of government departments.This paper makes a deep analysis of taifu event in luxian county by applying the public crisis management theory.Starting from the occurrence phase,characteristics and rules of public opinions,this paper analyzes the ways,methods and strategies of online public opinions guidance,and explores the effective mechanism of local government in dealing with sudden online public opinions.
Keywords/Search Tags:taifu event, network public opinion, government response, case study
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