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Research On The Effect Of Short Video Content Generation And Dissemination

Posted on:2020-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q F JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330623453979Subject:Education and Dissemination of Socialist Legal System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Strengthening the popularization of law and promoting the rule of law for all people is the premise and foundation for promoting the construction of a society ruled by law and the rule of law in a comprehensive manner.With the advent of the Internet+ rule of law era,the new media law forms are constantly updated and developed.At present,short videos are one of the favorite media usage methods for audiences in the new era due to their short,concise,interesting and interactive nature.In order to improve the effectiveness of law-enforcement and close the distance from the audience,many official law-enforcement accounts have been actively stationed in the short-video platform,and have received the attention and love of the audience through innovative forms of popularization.Take the short video of the “Siping Police” series of popular music,for example,through the content innovation,get rid of the original serious preaching attitude,integrate into the public life in the way that the masses like to see and hear,and bring a new experience to the audience.The praise and praise of the audience played a good publicity effect.This article will explain the reasons why the audience is loved by the "four-ping police" popular video content,as well as the existing problems and improvement measures,in order to promote the long-term development of the short video of the popular law,and truly play the short video ofthe popular law.The role of law and law,to develop a good rule of law concept for the audience to learn law,usage,respect and law.The basic structure of the article is as follows:In the introduction section,the first section introduces the background of the topic selection,and the second section explains the reasons for the short video of the popular law in theoretical and practical sense.The third section is mainly a review of the research on popularization and short video at home and abroad,comprehensive domestic and foreign.The research review can be seen that the popularization research and short video research have achieved a lot of results,but few scholars directly combine the popular law with the short video to study,and have certain research value and space;the fourth section is mainly the research path,mainly Use literature,case studies and other research methods;The first chapter is mainly a basic overview.The first section briefly describes the development process of popular law and popular law.With the development of the Internet era,the short video of Pufa has become one of the media means of popularization in the new era.The second section is about the characteristics of short video and the popular video.The characteristics of short,concise,higher communication,and non-linearity of communication time satisfy the needs of audience media use.The third section analyzes the advantages of short video of the popular law.The first is to change the monologue into dialogue and construct the "communicative rationality" method.The second method is to promote the popularization of the law,to create a shared law-enforcement mechanism,and the third is to clarify the subject of responsibility and to demonstrate the law-enforcement effect;The second chapter is mainly based on the text analysis of the vibrating "Siping Police" example,and combined with the "use and satisfaction" theory to analyze how the Siping police matter meets the media use needs of the audience through content generation and innovation.The first section,from the content selection topic,satisfies the audience's psychological expectation.It mainly includes three aspects: one is close to real life,popularizing practical legal knowledge,the second is to spread positiveenergy,promote the core values of society,and the third is to restore the real police.The appearance,close to the distance between the police and the people;the second section,from the content production and presentation,to meet the needs of the mood transformation.First,from the perspective of language style to reflect the "defamiliarization" characteristics,easy to trigger the curiosity of the audience,and second From the point of view of narrative,the situational awareness is enhanced,and the legal knowledge is more intuitive.The third is to present “image wonders” from the perspective of post-editing,enhance the audio-visual effect and attract the attention of the audience;the third section,from the perspective of content communication and interaction,It satisfies the social needs of the audience.The first is the interactive title,respecting the status of the audience,enhancing the interaction between the two parties;the second is the warning Language,build a common sense of space,to expand the scope of the Franco-Prussian radiation;The third chapter is mainly to analyze the problems and improvement measures of the short video content of the popular law.In the first section,from the perspective of the short video of the popular law,the first is the phenomenon of pan-entertainment,which is mainly reflected in the three aspects of one-sided pursuit of sensory stimulation,form greater than content,and vulgarization.Second,the value guide deviates from the main line.Image formation has not been organically combined with the purpose of the law,there is a psychological tendency to cause criminal imitation,and its two mimicry environment is intertwined with the real environment.It is misleading.The third is the homogenization of content,which is mainly reflected in the three forms of general law,narrative style and material selection..In the second section,the measures to optimize the short video of the popular law are proposed.First,strengthen content supervision,broaden the depth of law and law,second,establish a sense of responsibility,strengthen value guidance,and third,innovate production models and introduce innovative talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pufa short video, Content generation, Siping police, Propaganda effect
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