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Weak Relation Embedding

Posted on:2020-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330620962765Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the enhancement of the country's comprehensive strength,the economic development is steady.The government's administrative logic in rural areas has changed from "drawing" to "giving".In the past,by collecting taxes and fees from farmers,the government realized the convergence of economic resources and gave priority to the development of industry.With the rapid development of economy,the industrial structure is facing transformation.Agriculture,which once ranked first,now lags behind industry,services and other emerging industries.Therefore,the government encourages industry to feed back agriculture and cities to feed back the countryside.Moreover,as a modern government,it has the responsibility and obligation to improve the quality of life and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas.Only by reducing the incidence of poverty can we better promote the material equality of citizens.Based on this logic of governance,the state has continuously introduced pro-farming policies,such as abolishing agricultural taxes to reduce the economic burden of farmers,and reforming the poverty alleviation model to reduce the incentives for poverty.Poverty governance is a long-term and arduous task.In the early stage,a large number of poor groups were solved through development-oriented poverty alleviation,but now they have entered the stage of overcoming difficulties.In this regard,only by reforming the poverty alleviation model can we better adapt to the characteristics of poverty at this stage.General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a new concept of "precise poverty alleviation".Through the selection of Party and government organs and institutions at all levels and the dispatched of "the first secretary stationed in villages" to achieve the fine governance of poverty.Inspired by the theory of weak link embedding,I think that there is a weak link between the first secretary stationed in villages and the countryside.First,they have few contacts with the countryside and weak emotional exchanges.Most of them are excellent and experienced cadres selected by provincial and municipal organs.Because its former work place was in the city,it was not familiar with the rural working environment.Secondly,the first secretary belongs to the administrative power embedded in the countryside under the support of policy.Their relationship with the countryside is characterized by a weak connection,which eliminates the strong relationship of blood and geography.Because they are not native-born locals,they are less involved in local political interests,and play a better role in monitoring and regulating political rent-seeking behavior.At the same time,the first secretary plays the role of linking heterogeneous network resources,which can bring more extensive information to the countryside.Exploring the first secretary in villages through embedding theory can better analyze the current situation of the operation of this mechanism and make up for the gaps in the research of poverty alleviation governance system.Based on the first-hand data collected from field surveys in Xiangyang City,Hubei Province,this paper attempts to deconstruct the actual impact of the first secretary in helping poor households and rural governance and put forward relevant optimization measures.The first part of the article mainly introduces the research background,purpose,significance,status,and methods.In the second part,the development history of embedding theory,localization research and weak related embedding theory are analyzed.The third part deconstructs the role of the first Secretary of the weak related embedding type.The fourth part analyses the positive effect of the first secretary system.The weak connection with villages not only prevents them from being trapped in private relations and colluding with interests,but also standardizes rural governance.Through their extensive interpersonal interaction network,we can link heterogeneous network resources for the countryside,and build a model of the cooperation of the state,administrative organizations and society in the fight against poverty.The fifth part explains the difficulties faced by the first secretary in the realistic situation.The support of the dispatched units is different.The relationship between the first secretary and township and village cadres is delicate.The absent performance appraisal and incentive system of village cadres hinders the sound operation of the system.The sixth part puts forward the relevant optimization measures in view of the predicament.It is advocated that the first secretary's system and mechanism should be improved from three levels: support,trust and incentive,so as to stimulate their enthusiasm for work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embeddedness Theory, Targeted Poverty Alleviation, Cadres Staying at Villages
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