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Youth Labor Migration In The Kyrgyz Republic

Posted on:2020-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Erkinai SaralinovaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330620960451Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The present study examines youth labor migration in the Kyrgyz Republic.The primary purpose of this research paper is to find out reasons behind accelerated labor migration rate in the country.The literature review includes a theoretical framework and definition of the concept of migration and introduces five economic theories of migration: E.G.Ravenstein's Laws of migration,E.Lee's a Theory of migration,Neoclassical economic theory,Dual Labor Market theory,New economics of labor migration theory.The literature review shows that factors influencing migration,either pushing or attracting people to migrate.Thus the concept of push and pull factors is used to analyze the migration in the country.Accordingly,the central research questions have been developed as which factors are the most influential for the youth of the Kyrgyz Republic to migrate.To empirically test our hypotheses,firstly we gathered and analyzed available statistical data and secondly we designed and distributed an online questionnaire survey and collected data from 267 Kyrgyz youth labor migrants from around the world.The survey results show that,(1)both push and pull factors are almost equally significant;(2)among push factors of labor migration the most significant are corruption,lack of career prospects and economic crisis;(3)among pull factors of labor migration the most influential are better living conditions,experience of living abroad and more developed industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Labor migration, push factors, pulls factors
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