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The 1958 Chengdu Metting On China Exploration Of The Road Of Socialist Construction

Posted on:2021-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330614954270Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chengdu meeting held in March 1958 was an important meeting held by the Communist Party of China in the process of exploring the road of socialist construction in China.Although this meeting played a bad role in promoting the "Great Leap Forward" movement in the history of the Party and the history of New China,the economic issues and documents adopted at the meeting as well as Mao Zedong's speeches and interventions,all have explored the socialist construction road suitable for China's national conditions.In exploring China's socialist economic construction,the Chengdu meeting put forward guidelines and policies for reforming the agricultural implement movement,developing military reclamation farms,and developing local industries.In exploring China's socialist political construction,the Chengdu meeting initially established the party's general line during the period of socialist construction,and put forward guidelines and policies for expanding the authority of the agency.In exploring the construction of China's socialist science and culture,the Chengdu meeting put forward the guidelines for establishing local scientific research institutions and the view that the way out of Chinese poetry is folk songs and classical,providing specific guidelines for the establishment of the party's theoretical journals.It also hold the view that the outlet of Chinese poetry is folk songs and classics,which provides specific guidelines for the establishment of the party 's theoretical journals.Some of these guidelines and policies are completely correct,some are not completely correct,and some are theoretically correct,but there are deviations in actual implementation.Generally speaking,these principles and policies were all actively explored by the Chengdu meeting on the road of socialist construction in China,and they had a more or less positive effect on the socialist construction at that time.Some principles and policies still play an active role until now.On the other hand,the ideology of high-speed economic development established by the Chengdu Meeting and the high indicators of economic development have objectively contributed to the occurrence of the "Great Leap Forward" movement.The Chengdu meeting blindly proposed the idea of merging small communities into a large community,which also contributed to the "people's commune" movement to a certain extent.In addition,Mao Zedong also put forward two kinds of personal worship theories at the Chengdu Meeting and supported "correct personal worship",which affected the correct implementation of democratic centralism.Meanwhile,his two exploitative class theories at the meeting,contributed to the party's mistakes in the class struggle.All of the above are some mistakes made by the Chengdu Meeting in exploring the path of socialist construction suitable for Chin a's national conditions,and have caused undesirable consequences.The lessons for future generations are also profound and must be remembered forever.Historically,the results of the Chengdu Meeting's exploration of the road of China's socialist construction were rich and positive,but there were many mistakes,some of which were even serious."Everything in the past is a prologue." Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.Whether the success or the failure of the 1958 Chengdu Meeting is more,it is more important to take a down-to-earth attitudes.Upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era by historical wisdom from experience and lessons in the past.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mao Zedong, Chengdu meeting, Chinese Socialist Construction Road
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