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Research On The Government Regulation In The Community Home Care Services

Posted on:2020-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602966723Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The population aging is a worldwide problem and that the impact on human society is profound and lasting.China is one of the countries with high population aging in the world.the number of elderly people in China is not only the largest,but also the fastest growing rate.The problem of population aging is a long way to go.In recent years,various departments in various regions have conscientiously implemented Xi Jinping's socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in the new era,and actively built an old-age service system based on home-based,community-based,institutional-assisted,and medical-care,for China in the period of social transformation,the community home care service has become an important driving force for coping with the "silver wave" and promoting the comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development of the old age cause.In order to realize the expectation of the elderly to live a happy old age,better play the role of the government,and highlight the basic status of the community home care service in the aged care service,Strengthening the government supervision in the community home care service and building a community home care service supervision index system is a powerful measure.As the government mobilizes social forces to participate in old-age care,it has accelerated the improvement of the quality and quantity of community-based aged care services,but there are also some problems.This paper draws on and analyzes the literatures of domestic and foreign scholars on community home care services and government regulation research.Using the literature research method,supported by the supervision of public interest theory,service-oriented government theory,and new public management theory,to analyze the status and problems of government regulation of community home care services in China,it is divided into three aspects:the government role of the community home care service,the status of legislation and the main regulatory system.At the same time,it analyzes the existing problems from the four aspects of government supervision,supervision content,supervision methods and supervision effects.In the process of providing community home care services,the government's regulatory functions have not been straightened out,and there are problems with unclear positioning and unclear division of labor between the government and the market.This also caused the government's regulatory responsibilities to be unclear in the specific practice process.The phenomenon of "offside" and "missing" coexisted,thus affecting the overall operational efficiency of the pension model.Secondly,from the five aspects of sound legal and regulatory system,specialized quality supervision department,perfect elderly needs assessment mechanism,strict old-age service supervision system and transparent pension service information disclosure,the United States,Britain,Japan and Australia are summarized.The advantages of the four countries in the government supervision of community home care,further draws enlightenment to China:A sound old-age legal system is the guarantee for community-based aged care services,guarantees government subsidies based on assessments,implements classified supervision of community home-based care services,and establishes a comprehensive long-term care insurance system.At present,there are two main forms of community home services in China:One is to establish an elderly service center in the community to provide care for the elderly.The other is that the government introduces social forces,and professional institutions provide a variety of old-age services.Because government supervision of community home care services is indispensable,try to establish a government regulatory indicator system to solve the problem of what the government should supervise and how to supervise services.The ultimate goal of community home care service is to improve the quality of life of the elderly.Therefore,the supervision index system should take the subjective feelings of the elderly as the main starting point.Combining the status quo and the proposal for the status quo,the SERVQUAL service quality evaluation method is adopted to ensure reliability and guarantee.Sex,responsiveness,tangibility and empathy are five dimensions,and a government supervision index system for community home care services is constructed.Taking the development of the earliest and relatively mature development of Shahekou District of Dalian as an example,the reliability,effectiveness and factor analysis of the regulatory indicator system were carried out.In order to make the regulatory indicator system more scientific,rational and practical.Combining the problems existing in the community home care service in China,and sorting out the excellent experience of foreign countries,and then put forward corresponding countermeasures.They are divided into four aspects:clear regulatory legal basis,perfect supervision content,innovative supervision methods,play the government's regulatory leadership and improve the government supervision index system.Finally,the innovation of this paper is mainly due to the novel research perspective.In the past,the research on community home care services in the past papers mostly focused on the analysis of the purchase and distribution of community home care services.The immediate mention of government supervision issues was only taken in the countermeasures of the last chapter.The paper analyzes the current situation from the perspective of government supervision,and conducts comprehensive measurement by constructing a community home care service supervision index system.However,due to limited ability and objective conditions,there are limitations in the design of indicators when the final indicator system is constructed,In addition,when conducting the inspection,taking into account the feasibility of the actual investigation,a simple random sampling method was adopted,and the sample size was small,which weakened the In addition,when conducting the inspection,taking into account the feasibility of the actual investigation,a simple random sampling method was adopted,and the sample size was small,which weakened the representative of the sample.There is a certain deviation in the final result,and it is expected to be gradually improved in the future study and research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community home care services, Government regulation, Aged care agencies, The system of regulatory indicator
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