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The Protection Of Transgender Rights Under French Law

Posted on:2021-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X XiaFull Text:PDF
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In November 2006,a team of distinguished human rights experts including judges,academics,a former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,UN Special Procedures,members of treaty bodies,NGOs and others drafted the Yogyakarta Principles in Yogyakarta,Indonesia,to provide a unified principle of international law for addressing legal issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity.In March 2007,the final version of the Yogyakarta Principles was officially launched at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.In September 2017,The Yogyakarta Principles plus 10 was adopted in Geneva to further complement the original Yogyakarta Principles.Since the publication of the Yogyakarta Principles,there have been changes and advances in the international legal community's research and protection of the rights of transgender people based on gender identity.This article examines the development of the protection of transgender rights in French law.The introductory section discusses the research background,research content and research methodology of this paper.The first chapter presents the regional legal background to the protection of transgender rights in France,including the legislative and judicial experience of the Council of Europe's human rights protection system and the European Union's human rights protection system on transgender rights,with specific reference to cases handled by the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union.The second chapter reviews the legislative process and typical jurisprudence on the protection of transgender rights in France.This chapter first analyses the emergence and development of gender identity in French law at the macro level.The second section examines the specific content of the protection of transgender rights in French domestic law at the micro level.Chapter three analyses the characteristics of the mechanisms for protecting transgender rights in French law and supplements the relevant policy background and practice.The last chapter explores the lessons for China from the French experience by comparing the status quo of the protection of transgender rights in China as well as providing recommendations for future legislative,administrative and judicial reforms in this area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transgender, Rights, France
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