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The Socialist Family Style Culture With Chinese Characteristics In The New Era Boosting The Construction Of Party Conduct And Incorruption

Posted on:2020-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602459023Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Family style is not only the spiritual core of a family,but also the epitome of the value of a society.It has profound political logic and deep connection with political life.It has played an extremely important role in standardizing family ethics,purifying social atmosphere and promoting national governance.General secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed the importance of family style construction in public occasions,and put forward his own new views and new methods on family style and family style construction,which provided theoretical support for the construction of a new style of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.General Secretary Xi Jinping also linked the new generation of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the building of a clean and honest government.The important handle of running the party has pointed out the direction for the construction of the current party conduct and clean government.In terms of the overview of the socialist family style culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era,the socialist family style culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era is the due meaning of the socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics in the new era,the requirements of the times for the forward development of the Chinese family civilization construction in the new era,and the practical requirements for the in-depth development of the construction of the Party style and clean government in the new era.It has rich theoretical resources.It fully absorbs the rich contents of Marxist family view,Chinese excellent traditional family style and red revolution excellent family style.At the same time,it also contains such rich connotations as patriotism,love for the family and the good,filial piety,love for the old and the young,diligence,frugality and honesty,honesty,discipline and law-abiding.In terms of the relationship between the socialist family style culture with Chinese characteristics and the construction of a clean and honest administration in the new era,the socialist family style culture with Chinese characteristics contains rich contents,which share the same "clean" gene with the construction of a clean and honest administration in the new era.It can be roughly divided into "honest and thrifty self-cultivation,honest and shameful knowledge;thrifty family management,hard work and plain living;law-abiding,no favoritism;patriotic love for the party,loyal to the people" and other aspects.The socialist family style culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era has its practical significance for the construction of a clean and honest government,such as shaping individual character,improving the political personality of Party members and cadres,building a clean and honest family and a clean atmosphere of social atmosphere,promoting the transformation of the party's style and purifying the political ecology of the party.At the same time,the contemporary construction of clean government also faces many practical challenges,mainly including the awareness of clean government of Party members and cadres to be improved,the rights of family members of Party members and cadres to be supervised,and the construction mechanism of clean government of party conduct to be improved.In terms of the path of promoting the construction of the party's work style and clean government by the socialist family style culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era,first of all,Party members and cadres are required to be strict with themselves to achieve the above rate of exemplary family members;second,the mainstream social media is used to expand channels to promote the work style and make the work style become the standard of the society;finally,the system and mechanism are established by the state to strengthen the construction of the work style of leading cadres,so as to make good families The wind has taken root in the families of Party members and cadres.Through personal,social and national three levels of all-round construction of clean family style,it can form a joint force for the construction of the Party style and clean government,and promote its continuous development.Boosting the Party style and building a clean government has become an important part of Xi Jinping's new socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics.It is a scientific summary of the CPC's practical experience in strengthening the work style of Party members and cadres.It enriches and develops the classical theory of Marx's political party on party conduct and clean government,making scientific socialism in twenty-first Century.Burst out more powerful vitality.
Keywords/Search Tags:family style, Socialist family style culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era, Construction of Party style and clean government
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