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Study On Safety Supervision And Administration Of Critical Small Project In Linzi District Building

Posted on:2019-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330599950188Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,the construction of critical small project,it is a general designation of small projects with limited construction capacity of less than 300 square meters or investment of less than 300,000 yuan,which is characterized by vague management boundary and difficult to define the engineering nature,which includes the following projects under the limit,the limit critical engineering,The farmer builds own own project,does not have the construction work quantity but the capital invests above300,000 the project,does not need to handle the construction permission project and other small but contains the construction construction behavior the project.At present,this kind of building critical small project casualties,although there is no serious social impact of the group of dead group injury consequences,but the general accident of successive,in the spread of the extent of influence in the intensity of constantly magnified.The problem cannot be evaded,it is urgent to face it,pay attention to it,actively analyze and study,and strive to solve it,so that it can be used for reference in the future or for the current management.In view of the problem,this article takes the construction critical small project safety supervision and management as the cut-in point,summarizes the construction critical small Project definition category,combs the Theory Foundation and the research basis of the construction safety supervision management,draws lessons from the domestic and foreign similar project safety management experience,the quota above project safety management experience,Based on the current situation and situation of the safety supervision and management of the critical Small project of Linzi District Building,based on the data of recent years,this paper analyzes the problems that need to be solved in the safety supervision and management of the critical small construction project in Linzi District,and studies the countermeasures.Through the analysis of experience and dilemma in the actual situation of safety supervision and management,find out the way to solve the dilemma of safety supervision and management of the critical Small project of Linzi District Building,and realize the formation of relatively scientific and effective research countermeasures,in order to resolve the most realistic and direct face of the pain of safety management.In the present situation,this kind of project safety supervision management way to add a research material,for other regions or cities,rural related project safety supervision and management to provide theoretical and practical reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Linzi district, small project, supervision and management
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