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Research On The Brain Drain Of Grassroots Civil Servants

Posted on:2020-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596988259Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Civil servant is to point to the staff member that fulfils public service lawfully,bring into national administration to compose,by national finance burden salary benefits.Grass-roots civil servants,this article refers to the county level and below the national public servants,as the most direct executor of the state rights,is the most important link and bridge between the state organs and the people.The overall quality of grassroots civil servants is directly related to the level of national administrative efficiency.Therefore,it is of great significance to attract,cultivate and retain excellent grassroots talents and establish a talent team full of vigor and vitality for the rapid development of China's economy and the happy life of the people.In this paper,through methods such as questionnaire survey,field visits,all-round,the whole research S province the current situation of civil servants at the grass-roots level,the main characteristics and the causes of brain drain,are put forward to solve the stability of the grass-roots civil servants targeted reasonable Suggestions,to regional economic development and the construction provides sufficient support and guarantee.The study found that the brain drain of grassroots civil servants in S province was mainly manifested as: leaving the grassroots through examinations,being seconded by higher authorities,resignation,etc.The reasons mainly lie in the heavy work task,low salary level,unsound incentive mechanism and difficult working conditions of grassroots civil servants.Therefore,efforts can be made in the following aspects: first,broaden career development space and promotion channels;The second is to establish and improve the grass-roots civil servants evaluation reward and punishment system and improve the compensation mechanism;The third is to enhance the sense of professional gain and honor of grassroots workers;Fourth,strengthen policy support and financial input to the grassroots,effectively improve the grassroots work and living conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grassroots, civil servants, brain drain, stability, incentive mechanism
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