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Optimizing The Criminal Case Management Of The Grass-roots People's Procuratorates

Posted on:2020-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596980750Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,China's democracy and legal system has achieved great achievements,but it has not yet become a rule of law.In the process of building a socialist country with a strong rule of law,the procuratorate is the legal supervisory organ and the legal gatekeeper.The state establishes local people's procuratorates at all levels and special people's procuratorates according to law,and the relationship between leaders and leaders is between the upper and lower levels of people's procuratorates.The work responsibilities of the People's Procuratorate are to exercise the procuratorial power independently in accordance with the law,to examine and appraise and prosecute major criminal cases in accordance with the law,to supervise the investigation activities of the public security organs,and to lodge a protest against the judgments and rulings of the people's courts that have already taken effect and are indeed wrong.Accept citizen complaints,grievances and reports,and be responsible for legal propaganda.As one of the main departments of the local people's procuratorate,the case management department mainly undertakes the management,service,staff and supervision functions of the prosecution stage.The level of case management directly affects the efficiency of the procuratorial organs and the quality of case handling.In recent years,people's procuratorates at all levels have taken a series of measures to improve the level of case management and achieved remarkable results.However,the local grassroots procuratorate faces problems such as backward concept of case management,imperfect management system and single management means in case management,which hinders the improvement of case management level and has a restrictive impact on the full play of the procuratorial function.This article will conduct in-depth research on the case management work of grassroots procuratorates,explore and improve the case management system of the procuratorate,improve the case management level,and give full play to the support role of case management in procuratorial work.X City is a prefecture-level city in the central region.The x-city procuratorate is a key demonstration area for the reform of the national judicial system.All reforms and construction work is in the forefront of the province.As the first region to establish a case management department in the grassroots procuratorate of the jurisdiction,the development of case management is somewhat more advanced than that of grassroots procuratorates in other regions.Therefore,the X City Procuratorate has a certain representativeness on the optimization of criminal case management at the grassroots procuratorial organs.This paper first introduces the development status of the criminal case management system of the procuratorate,and explains the current situation of the criminal case management of the procuratorate and the establishment and management system measures of the management institution.Secondly,it analyzes the differences in the understanding of the people's procuratorate of X City in the practice of criminal case management,the unscientific division of functions,the low management effect and the low degree of informatization of case management,and accordingly,from the lack of understanding,insufficient attention,and case handlers The reasons for the above problems are summarized and analyzed in terms of low quality,imperfect management process,and lag in case informationization.Thirdly,it is pointed out that it is necessary to improve the criminal case management of the procuratorial organs at the grassroots level in x city from the aspects of standardizing management standards and systems,improving the incentive system,strengthening supervision and management,and strengthening information construction.To help grass-roots procuratorial organs to better improve the criminal case management system,improve management efficiency,better serve the people and ensure social stability and development.
Keywords/Search Tags:People's Procuratorate, Criminal cases, Case management system, Informationization
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