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Research On Countermeasures Against Drug-Producing Crimes In Our Country In The New Era

Posted on:2020-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596968868Subject:Public security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the sweeping influence of international drug trend,drug crime has become a global problem.It is the fundamental attitude of all nations in the world to crack down upon drug crimes and reduce their social hazard.As for drug crimes,the Chinese government has always adopted the attitude of maintaining zero tolerance and strict crackdown.Drug control departments have been wrestling with such crimes on a long-term basis.Though drug crimes have not developed into a major issue affecting the overall social situation,they pose risks for China's criminal situation,social safety administration,and people's peaceful and happy life and work.As the origin of the whole drug crime chain,drug manufacturing activities have profoundly influenced the trend of China's drug situation.Moreover,ever since the start of this century,under the influence of both domestic and overseas factors,drug manufacturing has gradually become one of the most serious drug crimes in China.Targeting the new situation for manufacturing drug crimes in the new era,it is of great practical significance to study how to explore a set of new models on targeted crackdown.An overview of China's crackdown shows that the rising trend of China's manufacturing drug crimes has been contained to a certain extent and the crime situation has entered a new period of general improvement since 2014.However,with the constant development of drugmanufacturing activities,such crimes have shown new characteristics such as expansion in the covered areas,upgrade of the drug-manufacturing technology,and craftier criminal means.The crackdown is also probing deep into problems in crimes,intelligence use,and interregional cooperation.To further enhance the government effects,the author tentatively proposes the construction mode for fighting against manufacturing drug crimes in the new era,and tries to offer effective prevention and control of manufacturing drug crimes to prevent their further spread;the author also aims at easing the difficulties and dilemma in the current crackdown to truly and effectively contain drug-manufacturing activities.This thesis comprehensively sorts out the development process of drug manufacturing activities in China.Then,according to such characteristics as organizational structure,raw material composition,and output direction,the thesis classifies manufacturing drug crimes into three stages of initial emergence,aggravation,and expansion obstruction.The drug manufacturing gangs' organizational structure,technical process,changes in the areas involved,and prominent problems in new psychoactive substances show that the distribution areas of China's manufacturing drug crimes have broadened and deepened,and criminal gangs are becoming increasingly professional.In view of these characteristics,the thesis studies and proposes a set of governance models including whole-chain crackdown on manufacturing drug crimes,increasing the information utilization ratio,setting up a cooperation platform,and mobilizing social forces to get involved in the governance model for the purpose of fundamentally containing China's drug-manufacturing activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Manufacturing drug crimes, Development process, Influence factor, Attack countermeasure
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