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Theory Of The Legal Regulation On Campus Lending

Posted on:2019-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of Internet inclusive finance,the campus lending that cater to students' consumption needs have risen and developed rapidly in the universities and colleges in China.While they meet the financial needs of students,vicious competition between lending platforms and various irregularities of illegal lending platforms have triggered negative news such as naked loans,usury and violent collection,which seriously affect students' study and life,their physical and mental health,and seriously damaging the campus environment and order.In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students and purify the campus environment,the CBRC,the Ministry of Education and other departments have repeatedly issued regulations to strengthen the supervision and rectification on campus lending,but the results have not been remarkable.On the basis of ineffective supervision,the CBRC,the Ministry of Education,the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs jointly issued an order,requesting online lending agencies to suspend all the campus lending services and not to provide online lending services to students.The existing campus lending businesses have been asked to rectify and clear within a time limit.At the same time,commercial banks and policy-related banks are encouraged to return to the campus and provide students with financial products such as student aid,entrepreneurship and consumption fund at reasonable interest rates so as to occupy the space for survival and development of campus lending.However,due to the strict examination of bank products and the limited amount of loans,some lending platforms still offer financial services to university students in the name of providing them with part-time jobs and training,but in fact violate the regulations by packaging and changing their names,and have caused extreme cases on campus loans.It can be seen that a ban on campus lending is not a permanent cure.On the basis of guiding and regulating it,a campus loan system based on commercial banks and policy-related banks and further supplemented by campus lending is needed to meet students' consumption needs.Through empirical analysis and comparative analysis.etc,this paper analyzes and studies the existing problems and the causing reasons of campus lending,by starting with the campus lending cases exposed after the suspension of campus lending by the CBRC's three departments,through digging into its history,current situation,connotation,types and characteristics,and investigatingsome students' participation in campus lending in Gansu province.And on this basis,through using the lending platforms,the borrowers and the investors as a starting point,through studying and comparing the situation of campus lending home and abroad,the paper makes an in-depth analysis of the legal risks existing in the current campus lending from different angles,and puts forward suggestions to strengthen the legal regulations from four aspects,in order to promote a healthy,standardized and orderly development of campus lending transformation and provide ideas for the final decision makers,especially for the CBRC and other related departments.
Keywords/Search Tags:campus lending, legal risks, legal regulation
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