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Research On Deng Xiaoping's View Of Marxism And Its Significance

Posted on:2020-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575497156Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marxism is the doctrine founded by Marx and Engels and developed by its successors.It is based on the complete liberation of the proletariat and all mankind of the world.It is a scientific system concerning the general laws of nature,human society and the development of thinking.Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for us to establish the party and the country.The history of the Communist Party of China can be said to be a history of the Chinese Communists understanding,using,and developing Marxism.The Marxist view is about the overall understanding and evaluation of Marxism,and it is the answer to people's question about what is Marxism,how to deal with Marxism and about the historical destiny of Marxism.From the time of the emergence of Marxism,there are many differences in people's understanding of it.Among the many understandings,there are differences between right and wrong,science and non-science.Therefore,helping people correctly understand the connotation of original ecological Marxism and scientifically mastering Marxism in development is the glorious mission of every ideological and theoretical worker,and it is the unshirkable responsibility of scholars in academic circles.Deng Xiaoping is a staunch Marxist,has a profound understanding of Marxism,and has an in-depth exploration of the development of Marxism.Deng Xiaoping not only inherited and developed the scientific view of Marxism in the past,but also criticized and corrected the non-scientific Marxist view.He also combined Marxism with China's reality and profoundly summed up the experience and lessons of the revolution and building both positive and negative aspects.Thinking about "what is Marxism","how to deal with Marxism" and "how the historical destiny of Marxism",and made a clear answer,formed a scientific view of Marxism.As the chief architect of reform and opening up and the pioneer of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Deng Xiaoping's scientific Marxist view is important for the contemporary Chinese Communists to establish a scientific Marxist view and actively promote the development of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics.The theoretical and practical significance.The research object of this subject is Deng Xiaoping's Marxist view,which adopts the method of unity of theory and practice,literature analysis method,etc.,mainly from the conditions,formation process,main content and important significance of Deng Xiaoping's Marxist view.Research.The conditions for the formation of Deng Xiaoping's Marxist view are introduced from the three aspects of the international background of the socialist movement and the changing theme of the world,the Chinese revolution and construction,the national conditions for the exploration of reform and opening up,and Deng Xiaoping's own personal conditions.The formation and development process of Deng Xiaoping's Marxist view is to adhere to the unity of theory and practice.By linking the analysis of the formation and development of thoughts with the analysis of the practical motivations behind the thoughts,it is divided into steps and understandings in chronological order.Reconsidering and interpreting the four stages of innovative Marxism are elaborated;the main content of Deng Xiaoping's Marxist view is from "what is Marxism","how to treat Marxism correctly" and "how to marx the fate of Marxism" Make a scientific answer.Let us see a true Marxist attitude toward Marxism,and at the same time,we should insist that we should continue to understand Marxism with the true face of Marxism.Therefore,studying Deng Xiaoping's Marxist view still has great theoretical and practical significance for the continuous development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.Deng Xiaoping's Marxist view enriches the content of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,reveals that people use the developed Marxism to guide new practice,encourage future generations to have a spirit of trial and error in reform and innovation,and constantly create socialism with Chinese characteristics.The new situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, Marxist view, Significance
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