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Xi Jinping's View On Youth

Posted on:2020-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575468839Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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Youth is the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation.It is the practitioner and promoter of China's take-off.Young people play an important role in promoting the new era of socialism construction with Chinese characteristics.Since the reform and opening up,China's economic and social development has made great achievements,but at the same time,in the process of internal reform,the rapid economic development has spawned the anxiety and anxiety of the youth in the process of growth and development.The rapid development of the economy and society has led to the psychological situation and cultural concept of the youth.Alienation with moral literacy.In the process of opening up to the outside world,with the acceleration of China's opening up,the mainstream ideology brought about by the decadent ideas brought about by some Western capitalist countries,namely liberalization and universal values,has caused some young people to admire money.The materialization of commodity consumption has caused the unhealthy situation of individual heroism.These problems in the youth group have attracted the attention of General Secretary Xi Jinping.Of course,the emergence of youth problems is the result of long-term cumulative superposition.The consequences are the collapse of the youth world outlook,the confusion of values,and the blurred outlook on life.Therefore,Since the party's 18 th National Congress,General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important discussions and gave high attention to the growth and development of the young generation in a series of major festivals,conferences and diplomatic occasions.There are many practical ways to deal with the growing troubles of young people.The wheel of history is rolling forward,and the younger generation shoulders a great mission and undertakes the revival of greatness.Therefore,General Secretary Xi Jinping's experience in governing the country should be used as an opportunity to guide young people to correctly understand themselves and strengthen their ability to resist various risks and trends of thought.Guided by Xi Jinping's youth concept,they will lead China's development and create a better tomorrow.Based on Xi Jinping's youth values,youth education concept and young talent concept,this paper explores the background and main content of Xi Jinping's youth view based on the Marx and Engels,Lenin and Chinese Marxist youth views.The contemporary value and practical path of Xi Jinping's youth concept.This paper consists of an introduction part and a body part.The introduction part discusses the background and significance of the topic,the definition of the concept of youth and youth,the domestic and international research review,research ideas and methods,innovation and deficiencies.The main part is the formation and origin of Xi Jinping's youth view.It mainly analyzes and answers the background of Xi Jinping's youth view,and the theoretical origins of Marx and Engels,Lenin's youth view and the Chinese Marxist concept of youth.This part focuses on combing,summarizing and arranging the development status of Marxist youth concept and the enrichment and innovation of Chinese Marxists.The second part is the core part of this paper,which mainly answers the main content of Xi Jinping's youth concept.This part cites a large number of classic sentences of General Secretary Xi Jinping in the process of governing the country.Starting from the values of youth,taking the concept of education as the medium and ending with the concept of talent,these three aspects elaborate on General Secretary Xi Jinping's view on youth.The elucidation and contribution;the third part is the part of contemporary value and practice,mainly answering the contemporary value and practical path of Xi Jinping's youth view.This part adheres to the basic standpoint of dialectical materialism and historical materialism,conscientiously grasps the development of youth,scientifically positions the characteristics of youth development,leads the young people of the new era to abide by the responsibility field,casts a national outlook on the overall situation,and does a good job of the new youth of the times.After in-depth discussion and research on Xi Jinping's youth concept,this paper mainly draws the following conclusions:First,the division of youth age should have a scientific and rational theoretical basis,and use practical sensible materials to produce with rationality,and draw the true meaning of practice.Secondly,the article aims to strengthen the youth's "master switch" as the background,and the purpose of the "three outlooks" transformation of the youth is integrated and synchronized.The "three outlooks" transformation is an organic whole,and the separation is easy to cause confusion.Therefore,from the youth's growth experience,strengthening the orientation of the youth,improving education,and promoting the growth of young people into talents,this is a development process.Third,with the socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era,China's economic and social development has a clear new normal trend,and the contradictions are becoming increasingly clear.In the face of the complex and ever-changing international and domestic situation,the majority of young people must keep their hearts and strengthen their materialist position and maintain their height.Cultural conscious and clear-headed,recognize the nature and harm of various reactionary trends,adhere to the basic principles of Marxism,strengthen their own construction,and resist the erosion and harm of various risks.At the same time,the young people must also accurately grasp the basic national conditions and the characteristics of the new era at the present stage in China,adhere to and develop Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,follow Xi Jinping's youth view as the basics,hold on to the heart,and seize the present and inherit the roots.Towards the future,we will increase the strength of youth in order to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, new era, youth view, research
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