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Research On Bianzhi Management Innovation Under The Background Of Township Management System Reform

Posted on:2020-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575454926Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the basic administrative organization in China,township government has gradually stabilized after several management system reforms.This is accompanied by the continuous advancement and adjustment of township bianzhi management.The"pressure-based system" and the segmentation of power structure that has been formed in China's township government for a long time lead to an unequal relationship between human resources,finances and affairs.The management of bianzhi aimed at strict control and simplifying of government institutions and staff,lack of attention to the operation mechanism and the response to the reform of management system.After several reforms,it is still difficult for township government to get rid of the problem of institutional expansion and staff redundancy.Therefore,it is necessary to discuss the issue of bianzhi management under the framework of township management system reform.This paper firstly conducts a general analysis of bianzhi management,then,based on the development of the township management system reform,it explores the transformation of bianzhi management practice and the logical basis behind it in different periods,and analyzes the innovation in township bianzhi management during the new period.Firstly,it discusses the reform of township management system before 2010 and the bianzhi management practice that exists as a purpose at this stage.Through comprehensively use of literature analysis method and historical comparison method,this paper summarizes the practice of China's bianzhi management since the reform and opening up,and extracts the three kinds of management logic contained in it,that is,the personnel logic,institutional logic and functional logic.Then,turn the perspective to township level and take the development of township management system reform as the context to explore the innovation of bianzhi management in practice and logic in the new era.The bianzhi management at this stage always existed as a simple purpose.Instead of closely related to the specific content and requirements of the management reform,the management of bianzhi always aimed at controlling and reducing,emphasizing strict control of the number of institutions and personnel through technical methods.In this process,the internal logic of bianzhi management had not been separated from the "san-ding" model,which has led to the bianzhi management being out of the management system reform.With the development of townships,it is still difficult to escape from the problem of the institutional expansion.Then it discusses the innovations realized by the bianzhi management since the reform of economical developed towns in 2010.From the reform of economical developed towns to the latest implementation of the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Integration of forces of Law Enforcement,Approval and Services for Grassroots institutions" issued in 2019,the successful experience of integrating grassroots forces was promoted nationwide,and the reform of township management system entered a stage of comprehensively promoting the townships and towns towards the direction of "power's consistency with responsibility".The bianzhi management of this stage has achieved many practical innovations compared with the traditional management methods,including establishing the basic principles that bianzhi should refer to affairs,ensuring the sinking of resources,encouraging cross-level adjustment and promoting the co-ordination use of various types of bianzhi and so on.Instead of simply emphasizing the control and tightening,the bianzhi management performs as a policy tool for the management system reform this time,the basis behind it has also changed to the logic dominated by "system reform." Under the premise that the current total amount of bianzhi has been controlled within a certain range,the basic logical starting point and the service object of bianzhi management have shift from personnel,organization and function to the needs of system reform,and the basic idea has transformed from the control and tightening to the allocation and adjustment of bianzhi resources when optimization of township's responsibility and force is carried out,and the basic path is manifested as the breaking of the internal barriers to the bianzhi management system.The transformation of the logic reflects that the basic idea of the bianzhi management has broken through the limitations of the "san-ding" model,and bianzhi management has moved from technology-oriented to political-oriented.Finally,this paper analyzes the difficulties that may be encountered during the reform of bianzhi management under the new logic of system reform and attempts to make some recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Township, Management of Bianzhi, Management System Reform of Township
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