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A Research On Canada Policy Toward Israel

Posted on:2019-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330572962828Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Canada and Israel have already established ties before Israel's declaration of statehood.Since then,during the reign of Canada's successive governments,although the basic tone of support for Israel has remained unchanged,different periods have shown different characteristics,during the period of the Harper government,Canada's pro-Israeli policy reached its peak.The text is divided into four parts.The first part expounds the policy toward Israel during the former Harper administration,which can be subdivided into four stages.The first stage is manifested in supporting Zionism and insisting on the partition of Palestine and Israel.The second stage is reflected in the change of Canada policy towards Israel,the gradual transition from support to caution,the emergence of new trends against Israeli settlement construction and the improvement of relations with Arab countries;The third stage is in the relatively just period of the 1980 s and 1990 s,Canada is openly criticizing Israel,strengthening ties with the entire Middle East region,and recognizing the Palestinian right to self-determinism;The fourth stage began to adopt a policy of reorientation towards Israel during the Martin period.The second part focuses on the expression of the Harper administration's pro-Israel policy,mainly reflected in in the fields of politics,economy,military security and ideology.The third part analyzes the reasons for Harper's pro-Israeli policy,mainly including the foreign policy ideas,Harper's personal beliefs,courting of voters,public opinion,Orientalism and pro-Israel lobby groups.The fourth part describes the impact of Harper's pro-Israel policy on Canada's position and role in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,the Middle East and the international community,as well as on the Israeli state.The concluding part summarizes the evolution of the Canadian policy towards Israeltrajectory,the brief analysis of the factors that affect Canada on policy,finally points out that the succession of Justin Trudeau's prime minister,will continue to implement the former prime minister Stephen Harper pro-Israeli policy,and there will be no major changes in the short term.
Keywords/Search Tags:Canada, Harper Administration, Israel, Policy
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