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The Trump Administration's Analysis Of Israel's Policies

Posted on:2021-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330623967112Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Trump administration took office in 2017,it has taken a series of diplomatic initiatives in favor of Israel,dramatically reversing the weakening of relations between the two countries during the period of Obama administration,causing the rapid recovery of U.S.-Israeli diplomatic relations.This paper argues that the main factors driving the recovery of U.S.-Israeli relations are as follows: New changes in the strategic situation in the Middle East;The Trump administration's pursuit of "American-first" concept of extreme national interest;Driving force of domestic political factors in the United States.The Trump administration has improved bilateral relations by unilaterally meeting Israel's security and strategic interests and needs.It came up with the plan called "Peace to property" in an attempt to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian issue once and for all;it amplifies the Iranian threat,coordinating with Israel to adopt a hardline diplomacy of "extreme pressure" toward Iran;it provided both direct and indirect diplomatic support to Israel.The impacts of the Trump administration's foreign policy of improving U.S.-Israeli relations are as follows: stimulating Israel's political adventurism in the matters of territory and national security;intensifying Israeli-Palestinian conflicts and bringing the Middle East peace process to a complete standstill;exacerbating political divisions in the Middle East between different groups,increasing the possibility of military confrontation and war.In short,as the situation in the Middle East gradually changes,the United States seeks to consolidate the special relationship between Israel and itself by giving Israel unprecedented support than it did in the past,and to use it to serve the United States' middle east strategic arrangements and interests.This approach is undoubtedly not helpful to the final settlements of conflicts in the Middle East.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trump Administration, U.S.-Israel Diplomatic Relations, "AmericaFirst" Principle, Middle East Conflicts
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