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Research On The Interaction Between Officials And People Under The Government Microblogging

Posted on:2019-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330566992696Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today,as the wave of informatization sweeps into the sky,the Internet has rapidly emerged.As a new mode of innovation and application,Weibo makes use of its timeliness,wide spreadness,and strong communicative features to maximize the spirit of equality,freedom,and sharing on the Internet.The government-civilian interaction under the government's microblogging platform is a new form of interaction between the government and the people formed on the basis of the service-oriented government of our country and the application of network innovation.It uses Weibo as a carrier to obtain interactive communication through government departments and the public to pay attention to it.It creates a gathering place for government-civilian communication so that the interests of citizens can be expressed and the government's response can be reflected.It provides a new channel for government-civilians communication to promote social affairs.This is in line with our Party's long-standing mass line,innovating social management concepts and methods,improving social management capabilities,promoting scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making,and ensuring that social and public policies are implemented smoothly.This is in keeping with the management philosophy and creates a good social environment.Safeguarding civil rights provides an extremely effective path.Therefore,to study the value impact of government-civilian interaction and its current performance under the government microblogging platform,explore the positive interaction between officials and people under the government microblog platform,and play an important role in improving democratic decision-making and realizing democratic politics.However,as an emerging communication channel,government affairs microblog has also emerged some urgent problems in its rapid growth.This article sets up an official-civilian interactive evaluation system under the platform of government affairs microblogging to analyze the current status of government-civilian interaction under this platform,and finds that there are various types of government-owned microblogs in terms of service awareness,interaction mechanism,system management,and citizen participation.Problems,the emergence of these problems will greatly reduce the value of government affairs microblogging,and affect the interaction of government and people under the government microblogging platform.The article is divided into five parts:The first part is the preface,explains the research background and significance of this article,sorts out the domestic and foreign research results on government affairsmicroblog and microblog-based official-civilian interaction,and studies the content and research methods,as well as the difficulties in the research.The innovation point was introduced.The second part is the theoretical basis,defines the definition of government affairs microblog and government-civilian interaction,describes related theories,and analyzes the value of the existence of government-civilian interaction under the government microblogging platform.The third part is an empirical analysis.This section selects the Sichuan provincial government microblog as a research sample and establishes an evaluation system for government affairs and microblogging.The status quo of government-civilian interaction under the government micro-blog platform is analyzed from the two levels of attention level and two-way communication level.The fourth part is the analysis of problems and causes.Based on the above analysis,the problems of the government-civilian interaction under the government micro-blog platform are analyzed and the reasons are analyzed.The fifth part is to promote the healthy interaction between the government and the people under the government microblog platform.Some suggestions have been made on the existing problems from the government level,microblogging operation level,institutionalization level,and citizens' own level,in order to promote the good interaction between the government and the people under the government microblogging platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government Microblogging, Government, Public, Interaction
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