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Research On Cooperative Governance Of Chinese Government And Social Organization

Posted on:2019-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330566458728Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the further development of market economy and reform and opening up,social activities involved in the main body is increasingly diverse,participation main body demand increasingly diverse,social problems and contradictions,the traditional single closed society is gradually collapse,a multiple open society is developing.At present,our country is in the critical period of social transformation,the social structure is unstable and the social problems are more.In order to create a good social environment,improve people's livelihood and promote healthy economic development,we urgently need to find a new way of social governance to solve the large number of social contradictions accumulated during the transition period,so as to strengthen social capital and standardize social order.The third plenary session of the 18 th CPC central committee pointed out that "the overall goal of deepening reform comprehensively is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,and to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity".Social governance is an important part of national governance and the key to realizing the modernization of national governance.The nineteenth report of the party proposes "strengthening the construction of social governance system,improving the social governance system under the leadership of the party committee,government responsibility,social coordination,public participation and guarantee of the rule of law",social governance should give full play to the role of multiple social governance,advocate multi governance in cooperative governance.Based on the theory of limited governance and collaborative governance,from the perspective of role norms of government and social organizations,the rationality of coordinated governance between government and social organizations is analyzed.To explore the existing problems of collaborative governance between the two under the role norms of Chinese government and social organizations,as well as the reasons for the synergistic governance of the two,the relevant rationalization countermeasures and suggestions are given to the coordination of government and social organizations in the aspects of role norms,functions,and governance systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:government, social organization, synergistic governance, role norms
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